III. Civilian

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In the three years since she's been a vigilante, she's changed base location ten times. Mainly because she preferred her living location to be a secret, but sometimes her living location would be found by villains and other unfavorable people or heroes themselves looking for villains. Either way, she'd had to have located new locations to move to often. She even has a list written in her notebook that, at one point, belonged to Mei Akiyama, her only friend and the only one aware of both of her identities.

Her vigilante territory had expanded and contracted many times over the years, too. Where police and hero presence was thin, she'd patrol for them until they could get their forces in line and patrol that area. At some times, the city was so well patrolled by heroes and police that she had nothing to do. The police had found the pattern in her patrol zone, but any traps made by purposely leaving an area are useless as she's forced areas to have less crime purely by forcing police and hero presence to go up in areas. Plus, there are no reports of her using her quirk, so the police are actually okay with Sable. She writes reports on the crimes she stops that are clear, to the point, goes over the major event, and details what she's seen of the quirks she goes up against in a way that appears professional. No one knows that Sable is a sixteen-year-old girl or that she has a quirk.

She's gotten a job so she can buy food, clothes, and whatever else she needs to live. People were hesitant, naturally, as she was fourteen when she went to get a job, but a small support item shop allowed her to work there after she showed some of the support items she'd made that are unrelated to her being Sable. The old woman helped her apply for Yueei's Support Course after hearing that she wants to set up a Support Course within her own hero agency, which meant she needed to experience the Support Course and get to know proper procedures when it came to Support Device laws, along with the fact that she wants to get into the Hero Course from the Support Course through the Sports Festival. With her planned goals worked on as much as she could, she'd gone out and bought groceries that won't spoil without refrigeration.

Her living situation is still abandoned buildings that do not have electricity. She hasn't had a warm meal at all since her parents were killed, no matter how much Detective Tsukauchi offered to feed her when she's in her vigilante costume. She doesn't want him to see her face. Her age is obvious on her face, and her age is a well-kept secret.

Though the time she's walking the streets is a bit odd, she must admit. Bordering on midnight, seemingly cutting a path through an industrial district to get to the residential district beyond. Sure, the streets are safer with her vigilante persona's pattern, but crime still happened. To people who don't know her, she's taking a risk. She isn't surprised to hear rapid yet nearly silent footsteps trailing her, seeing as she could be seen as suspicious because of the late hour. She slows to a stop when the footsteps drop from a roof of a nearby building to the street, rocks crunching with the landing.

"Miss, it's dangerous to be out this late," the deep drawl of Eraserhead comes from behind her. The girl turns, her red eye hidden securely behind her hair.

"Ah, I'm sorry. My mom has been working so much recently that she hasn't had time for groceries. I know it's late and all, but I wanted to help her out a little," the girl apologizes, hugging the bag of groceries close.

"And your dad couldn't?" Eraserhead approaches, less cautious now that he can see that she's a civilian and not a villain.

"He passed five years ago. Murdered while my mom was out. His killer let my little brother and I live for whatever reason," she twists the truth. She had no siblings, and her parents were killed five years ago.

"Allow me to walk you home," Eraserhead offers. The girl ducks her head, rubbing her left arm.

"It's fine. It isn't far," the girl answers. Eraserhead grips her arm gently, stopping her retreat.

"Let me take you," Eraserhead orders. It is no longer a request, the girl realizes. She huffs but relents. He releases her arm, walking beside the girl while keeping his guard up. The soft meow of a cat draws her attention, and she slips away. When she's certain Eraserhead can't see her, she takes on the form of a black and white cat with mild fluff, though her fur is long. Eraserhead follows moments later, looking around. Then, he notices the girl's cat form.

The girl pales under her fur. Great, Eraserhead is a cataholic. Eraserhead picks her up, holding her expertly against his chest in a way similar to holding a baby. He checks her gender, the softness of her fur, and her health in a way that tells her that this is not his first time. When he's decided that she's healthy and perfect to add to his household, he seemingly forgets his original intention of walking her home and taking her to his house. 

His house is large, surrounded by trees, and secluded. Inside, the many rooms have piles and piles of cat toys. The girl is set down gently, and curiosity gets the best of her. The house smells like cats, yet the man himself smells of nothing but coffee and a sleeping bag, oddly enough. Most of the toys are used but well-loved, evident in the small nicks and bite marks she finds on the toys. She can't help but wonder if she has been kidnapped. She'd deny it if anyone asked, but the place smells like a place she could live in. The thought saddens her, but she keeps her tail at the same level she has held it at since her paws touched the floor.

She sets to work finding the other cats, Eraserhead following to make sure she doesn't pick a fight. The blue eyes of her current cat form meet the green gaze of an older tom cat from across the room. She approaches cautiously, the older cat rising to his paws to approach her as well. Her nose twitches as she takes in the tom's scent, generic cat food with a hint of mint.

"You're not a cat, are you?" the tom meows, sitting down in front of her. She settles back into a sit, her tail sweeping out behind her and accidentally smacking Eraserhead on his foot.

"No, but sometimes I can't help but take on a cat form and living," the girl responds, her ear twitching. She never realized that she could have conversations with cats. She'd never tried before.

"What is your name?" the tom asks, his tail lazily flicking at his side. The girl tilts her head, debating on giving her vigilante name. She decides against it. Eraserhead had been keeping an eye on her vigilante persona for a year now. She wouldn't want to put his cat on edge because of what she introduces herself as.

"Mochizuki Gunvor," the girl answers, rising to her paws to mimic a bow in the most cat-like fashion ever. She hears Eraserhead 'awww' at the sight, but ignores it with what could only be described as cat-like ignorance.

"Aizawa Katsu," the tom introduces, mimicking the bow in his own way. He went on his back legs to bow, unlike Gunvor when she just tilted the upper half of her body forward. "Huh, that isn't a bad way to introduce myself."

"Eraserhead loves it, judging by the squeals," Gunvor nods, turning as Katsu moves to sit next to her. Eraserhead sighs when there is a knock on the door.

"You should bow like I did," Katsu meows at her. Gunvor nods in response, deciding she likes the old cat. Present Mic enters the room, even though Eraserhead never answered.

"A new cat?" Present Mic asks, looking at Gunvor. Eraserhead nods before seemingly realizing she needs a name.

"Her name's Raven," Eraserhead answers, making Gunvor scoff mentally. She walks up to Present Mic, stands on her hind legs, and bows just as Katsu had, but with more balance. She makes sure she isn't in Eraserhead's line of sight, knowing he'd erase Present Mic's quirk before the blond could shriek his excitement. That doesn't stop Katsu from popping into a human form. Gunvor turns, staring blankly at the old cat she's decided to like, hoping he doesn't reveal what she'd told him.

"I told you to stop using your quirk around me, Dad," Katsu whines, teenage in appearance. Gunvor pads away from Present Mic after Eraserhead blinks. "I don't like being your kind."

"Sorry, Katsu. Say, did Raven tell you anything?" Eraserhead asks. While the three guys are preoccupied with getting information, Gunvor is sneaking out of the window. Remembering the way Eraserhead carried her to his house, she follows it back from memory, continuing her run to the abandoned school she's made her recent base in. She's glad that she didn't mention her vigilante persona.

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