IX. Surprise Test

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"Eraserhead, can you train me to be better at fighting without my quirk or support items?" Gunvor asks, having been given permission to ask him by Power Loader as she has quite a few support items to use during the Sports Festival. Aizawa looks at her, barely having finished the end of the day announcement.

"Shouldn't you be in class, Mochizuki?" Todoroki asks from the back of the classroom. Gunvor tilts her head at the question.

"I got permission from Power Loader to come ask Eraserhead this because he always slinks off after school," Gunvor shrugs. Todoroki nods, accepting the answer as he continues to gather his things to leave. Their training time had ended the previous day and now Gunvor is annoying her guardian into training her instead of being a hero. To be fair, her Sable territory has been covered effectively by the police and other pros, and no holes have opened up, so he doesn't have to resume his patrols for a bit. She's still working at the Support Item shop and selling her Support devices on the side, so they are still making money.

"Fine, but my class gets to watch the video Todoroki's brother took of your fight with Endeavor," Aizawa drawls. Gunvor has no reaction other than a shrug, going to the back of the classroom with her hands poised to cover her ears. She knows they'll be loud.

"Come on! She's already stronger than that monster at USJ, and suddenly she has fought Endeavor?" the perverted grapehead exclaims. Gunvor snorts at that. "She's recovered from her injuries fast enough to do it, too!"

"I was training with Todoroki after school the entirety of last week and on the weekends. The fight was recorded on Thursday. I had trained for three or so days at that point, mainly sparring against Todoroki and doing mental battles. Endeavor and I didn't use any support items and Eraser was there to ensure we didn't kill each other on accident," Gunvor huffs out. "Eraser, if you don't want the pervert in your class, I can get a lion to chase him. It'll be free, even."

"Please don't," Aizawa sighs as he projects the video on screen. The other teachers poke their heads in as well. At least, those who aren't currently teaching a class.

The video ends with the entire class, aside from Todoroki, in shock or very agitated. Gunvor walks to the front of the classroom with her ears covered by her hands, footsteps slow and silent. She expected the reaction, so she sees no need to act anything aside from calm.

"Please note that in the Sports Festival, as a Support Course student, I'll be bringing Support Items that I've created. I'll be using them, as well. You guys get quirk training in class," Gunvor shifts to glance at a majority of the class," so us Support Course students will be evening the playing field with our Support Items. Don't think I'll go easy on you, either. I have seen your quirks and have Support Items designed specifically," she turns to face the class completely, a grin to match Aizawa's curving her mouth," to counter them. Put up a good fight, 1-A. I'll be in Gym Gamma, Eraser."

Gunvor has changed into her exercise clothes, including her shirt, and is standing in Gym Gamma. Her instincts tell her to dodge and she does without knowing what she's dodging. She sees that Nezu had been thrown at her, but is also holding Aizawa's scarf. The scarf is what slows the principal down enough for him not to become a Nezu pancake on the wall. More footsteps alerts her to more people arriving, and she turns to see all of the first year teachers approaching. She catches glimpses of three people much younger than the pros, aside from her twenty year old uncle, attempting to hide in the back. She decides to let them believe they are hidden as she turns her gaze to Aizawa. She doesn't know if he trusts everyone in the room, either, which kinda sucks.

"The faculty have decided to test you, Gunvor. Seeing your win against Endeavor led us to believe you are at a higher level than your first year peers," Nezu explains pleasantly, as if this were an everyday thing. He's not wrong, technically. She has the three or so years of experience as a 'hero' that the Third years theoretically have, as she's been Sable for that long, but she's only a first year. This is a unique situation. "We've always had a group of three students who've been at the top in the Hero Course. Eraserhead has told me of your plans to transfer to the Hero Course after the Sports Festival. I see no reason to not expand the group named The Big Three into The Big Four and add you to the group."

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