XIII. Second Half of Round Two

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"We're halfway through this round! Let's see the scoreboard!" Mic calls out. Gunvor crouches atop the ice spike, settling her weight in a way that counters Shinso's. Her hands leave his ankles, claws forming as she places them on the front of the ice spike as she settles into a feline hunting crouch, Shinso settling onto her shoulder blades as she does. Her eyes scan the fighting groups below, her torso getting lower to the ice. Todoroki's team settles back as she does, her imaginary tail flicking. "What's surprising about this situation, Eraser?"

"Mochizuki not getting noticed." Aizawa grumbles. Gunvor hops to a different ice spike, landing with ease with her clawed hands reaching the ice first and the rest of her body following. "She is planning something."

"Eraser really drawing attention to us, huh?" Gunvor murmurs, jumping to avoid becoming an ice cube. She lands on the new ice almost as easily as she had before, jumping to another ice spike. "Considering my... position, I am not entirely surprised."

"Well, yeah, she is pretty quiet. She's moving with intent, too," Mic comments. Gunvor activates her predatory gaze, meeting Mic's gaze for a moment before blinking the glow away and continuing to pace the ice.

"Mochizuki!" Todoroki yells, voice barely concealing his annoyance. She isn't using the abilities of the snow leopard, so he is confused as to how she's traversing the ice as well as she is.

"What, Todoroki? Are you mad?" Gunvor grins at the half-and-half teen. Todoroki sends another wave of ice to deter her. She pushes herself high in a leap, her hands forcing Shinso into clinging to her back as she flips to avoid another wave of ice, her leg lashing out in a kick that shatters the ice. She backs off, baring her teeth as she gets Shinso into a better position for him to hold onto her. She can't mistime her attack. Taking the headband from Midoriya would mean she'll be the target of Todoroki for too long. "Shinso, we are going for that headband. Take it from Midoriya."

"Got it," Shinso grins lazily, Gunvor tensing her core as she focuses on Midoriya. She lowers her chest before pushing off the ice. She leaves cracks in the ice she jumps from as she jumps near Midoriya. Midoriya leans away, but Shinso manages to take the headband. Tokoyami manages to get the headbands that are around Shinso's neck. Todoroki sends a wave of ice at them, but Gunvor pushes off it with her left hand. Bakugo explodes his way to her, but she forces her way into a rolling flip to avoid his hand. She sinks into her quirk, flames sparking at her fingers as her quirk immediately chooses to take on the properties of the Mimi.

She absorbs an explosion from Bakugo, glad Shinso is on her back as her stomach takes the blast. She lands on her feet, though she leaves deep gouges in the ground. She wipes her mouth as she coughs, seeing a hint of red on the back of her hand. She bares her teeth at the sight, her eyes seeming to glow as she meets Bakugo's enraged gaze from his spot atop his teammates. Todoroki's team approaches, but freezes when they see blood slip past her lips moments later. She'd taken the full impact to her stomach, though the heat didn't affect her. She feels Shinso tense from his position on her back, obviously seeing the blood.

"Man, that hurt," Gunvor wipes her mouth again. She doesn't look away from Bakugo, though she senses the other teams watching from a makeshift perimeter at the sight of her bloody lips. "Don't you know how to hold back, Bakugo? If it weren't for me keeping my quirk in check, I'd be feral, you know."

"You seem alright now," Bakugo grits out, though frozen in place by her predatory stare. Gunvor tilts her head at that. The bandages on her stomach are burnt, but not ruined. She'll live through it.

"Internally bleeding is not alright, but sure. Whatever you say," She takes a step forward. "You could get disqualified, but I say you can continue. Have a good day, class 1-A."

The flames return, sending her and Shinso into the air. It's surprisingly stable considering her low skill in using the Mimi's abilities. She flies them to a clear spot in the arena, though she doesn't land. Flames surround her and Shinso in an almost protective bubble, only the side facing the camera unblocked. Her eyes continue to glow as this happens, Shinso forcing himself closer to avoid the heat.

"And that's time!" Mic calls, Gunvor falling to the ground uneasily as he does. She sways tiredly on her feet, but helps Shinso to the ground without letting him drop. She leans against him as she turns her gaze to the scoreboard. She and Shinso were in first place, Todoroki's team in second, Bakugo's third, and Midoriya in fourth. These teams were set to go on to the next round.

Gunvor walks off with Shinso for lunch, yawning once out of the view of the cameras. Shinso rubs her head as she does, her walk slowly becoming more of a slink as she moves. Her quirk had tired her out more than normal. She suspects using the Mimi's abilities is what did it.

"You okay?" Shinso asks, observing her extreme lack of energy. Gunvor pauses for a reason other than answering.

"Gungun!" Mei Akiyama cheers as she tackles Gunvor in a hug, Midnight trailing behind. Gunvor stumbles to the ground, hissing at the hug. "Didn't realize you were this tired, Gunvor. Let's get some food in you. Your friend can come too."

"Don't even try to tease me, Mei. I got blackmail on you," Gunvor grumbles tiredly. "Come on, Shinso. We've been invited to lunch with two high school teachers."

"She's your friend?" Shinso asks as Gunvor is lifted up by Midnight.

"Akiyama Mei, saved by Sable from some decidedly weak mugger a few weeks after I left my foster home. One of the first to be saved by Sable, actually." Gunvor murmurs, voice soft.

"And I'm one of two Sable trusts with their personal phone number and their true face." Mei grins, light blue eyes bright as she reveals this. Gunvor shakes her head.

"Who's the other?" Shinso asks, head tilting. Gunvor raises her hand.

"I've seen it twice, but my other friend has seen it multiple times," Gunvor hums, slipping out of Midnight's arms. "My instance was accidental, though."

"Accidental face reveal," Mei uses a wonky voice to speak. Gunvor whacks her head as she walks faster.

"Why am I friends with you again?" Gunvor huffs, brushing through her hair with her fingers and pulling it into a ponytail. Midnight laughs as she leads the three to the staff lunchroom.

"Because you love me?" Mei teases, entering the lunchroom with Shinso hesitantly following. Gunvor instantly goes to the salmon, taking a plate full to eat raw.

"Nope. You're delusional." Gunvor eats her salmon happily as Aizawa enters the room.

"Not as delusional as-" Mei is stopped by a hand over her mouth. Gunvor stares blankly at her friend. She then remembers they aren't alone and she can't say what she was about to without getting Gunvor in trouble. "Crap, I'm sorry for that."

"You did nothing to be sorry for," Gunvor finishes her salmon. "I need a nap or six and things that should be unsaid to be left that way."

"Child." Mei grumbles as Gunvor sets her tray down where the dirty trays are meant to go before she goes over to Aizawa. Aizawa allows her to take his sleeping bag to nap, Shinso following to pet her. 

"Less of a child compared to you," Aizawa grumbles as Gunvor falls asleep.

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