XIX. Encountering Stain

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Turns out Iida hadn't listened to her words the day prior, and is now being an idiot. Realizing this with a huff, since she's still patrolling with Manual as the previous day was rather quiet, she looks to the sky to see smoke rising.

"Manual! I can find Iida while avoiding combat, but I'd rather have permission in case it's necessary to possibly break the quirk use laws. May I use my quirk to search for Iida and to fight any nomu that attempt to stop me?" Gunvor requests as Manual pauses upon realizing his actual intern is no longer next to him, but the tag along intern is.

"Permission granted, but please refrain from coming in contact with anyone. Understand?" Manual asserts, getting a nod from Gunvor. He nods back before the two separate, Gunvor going away from the rising smoke and Manual heading right for it. She gets to a roof as soon as possible, changing into her Sable costume as fast as she can, her wig getting put on slightly wrong, but still securely and her contacts being put in carefully despite her need to rush. She puts her mask on with ease as she takes off running, her vigilante costume having been thrown over her gym uniform that she chose to wear when on patrol with Manual.

"Seriously, Iida?" Gunvor grumbles under her mask, dropping to the ground and following Iida's scent. She's lucky that she hadn't lost his scent. She follows his scent, noticing that it's getting stronger. "He's nearby. And near blood." She mumbles, turning the corner just as Stain raises his chipped and worn katana up to stab Iida. She runs over and kicks Stain away before the Hero Killer could stab Iida. "Hero Killer."

"I was wondering when we'd meet..." The Hero Killer starts, recovering from her kick," Sable."

"There are people who assume we're working together, you know. Since our beliefs align somewhat." Sable runs forward, spinning slightly to avoid getting slashed by Stain and kicking him once again, this time in the throat instead of his chest. Stain skids back, coughing, while Sable continues her approach, aiming precise kicks and punches at Stain that the Hero Killer either gets hit by or dodges, not allowing him to go on the offensive.

"That kid's a fake. He's acting on-"

"I know he seeks revenge." She interrupts, taking out her knife to block the first swipe Stain got get in with his blade in three minutes. "People can change. They don't have to die." She takes her gun out in her other hand, aiming at him so he'd back off or get closer. Either works for her. "Killing does not change anything, Stain."

"THEY WERE FAKES!" Stain yells, running at her. Sable jumps back, flipping so she doesn't jump onto Iida.

"They were people." She hisses in response, shooting at him as her knife returns to her pocket. She checks Iida's injury as she keeps Stain at bay with her gun. "No one person is perfect."

She manages to nail a shot into his shoulder, reloading her gun quickly as she moves Iida to the wall next to Native. Iida looks regretful yet still filled with the thought of vengeance. 

"Gunvor told me about you, Iida. If you want to punch me after this for being unable to save your brother, fine. Go ahead and do it, I won't stop you. I will, however, stop you if you hold onto needing vengeance." She says quietly as the Hero Killer got up shakily. Perhaps his quirk is related to paralyzing people. Her bullets are never effective against people with that kind of quirk for some reason. Natural resistance, perhaps?

Sable walks forward, taking her knife out and putting her gun away just as Midoriya Izuku enters the alley. She's faster than him, even with him using his quirk and her not using her quirk, so he stops his sneak attack and places the green-haired boy next to Iida before Stain had a chance to realize another person entered the alley.

"Tend to their injuries. You do not have permission to use your quirk, do you? You'd be breaking the Quirk Regulation law if you try to assist." Sable tells the boy calmly, brandishing her knife. "I never use my quirk, so I'll be fine." She huffs, running forward. Stain runs to meet her in the middle, their strikes rapid and precise. Her strikes to incapacitate, his to kill.

"Sable, you'd risk your life for them?" Stain questions. Sable grins as she deflects a swipe from his blade.

"I can't die until I defeat the league, but I haven't spent the past three years doing what I'm doing because it's fun. If I were to die," she grins ferally under her mask," I'd like to die fighting people who think they can ruin the lives of others." Her eyes seem to glow, reflecting light as cat eyes do, as she kicks him away. "I might not want to risk my life in this moment for them, but I'll fight through any injury to see kids as young as them live to grow up!" She declares, jumping at Stain. She blocks his blade with her right hand, the blade stopped by her cut-resistant sleeve, while her knife digs into his shoulder.

"All Might is the only hero who can bring me in, you vigilante brat!" Stain throws her back, forcing her to flip to her feet after skidding on her back for a moment. She'd lost her knife. Too bad she doesn't care all that much. She takes a capture device from her pocket, throwing it on Stain. It's one of her cut-resistant models, made for people reliant on sharp objects. Perfect for Stain.

"I guess that doesn't apply to me, seeing as I'm a vigilante." Sable mumbles, taking her knife from Stain's shoulder. She checks the injury, forcing his shirt off even when he struggles. "The fight is over, Stain. Let me make sure you don't bleed to death." She growls, forcing him to cooperate. "Besides, I'm one of two people who can get you out of this net."

"Why are you bandaging him?" Iida questions, still unable to move. Sable glances at him over her shoulder, but returns her focus to Stain's shoulder as she bandages it.

"Because if I were to be defeated by someone but my life spared, I'd appreciate the person who defeated me bandaging me up, even if they later throw me in a cage. Besides, I can't use my quirk in these fights. Often I'm outmatched and fight harder to counter it. I wouldn't want anyone to die as a result of my actions." She answers calmly, tying the bandages. She's glad she's one of the rare types of vigilante, one who doesn't use their quirk when fighting villains.

Another teenager appears at the opening of the alley, followed by many heroes aware of who Sable is and her technical lack of law breaking. The teen goes over to check on Iida and Midoriya, as well as the injured pro, while the heroes stare at Sable and the Hero Killer, confused. Sable finds her gaze traveling upward, seeing a winged Nomu heading right for her. She huffs as the Nomu grabs her, claws digging into her shoulders. She hisses, twisting slightly as she reaches her left hand up and stabs the Nomu's leg, getting it to release her left shoulder. She reaches up with her right hand, gripping the Nomu's leg before stabbing that leg as well. The height doesn't bother her. She gets herself on top of the Nomu, shoving her knife deep into the Nomu's brain to the point her hands are covered in brain matter. But, the Nomu is dead. She knows this when it starts getting lower. She jumps to a nearby building to avoid crashing down with the Nomu into the empty street.

She roof runs back to where she was taken from, seeing Endeavor is there, questioning who captured the Hero Killer. She balances on the railing of the fire escape, staring down at the number two hero.

"I captured him, Number Two." Even through her voice filtering mask, annoyance can be heard in the gender neutral, flat tone her words come out as. Endeavor's turquoise eyes meet her currently red eyes in a glare. "Didn't need a quirk, either. Not even for the Nomu that carried me away soon after, either."

"You captured him, quirkless?" Endeavor scoffs. Sable drops to the ground, right next to Stain's captured form. "As if I am going to believe that."

"I'm naturally fast, and have a need to be strong as I live on the streets, and I have three witnesses. You really going to risk UA losing its early warning system and risking your seemingly perfect son getting hurt, Number Two?" Sable taunts, walking up to Endeavor calmly. "I don't require a quirk."

Endeavor growls, but does nothing as Sable goes back to Stain and hand cuffs him via her net having a slot for the action to happen, deactivating the net when done and pocketing the device before anyone could see what it turned into, tugging Stain forward as she exits the alley. She can sense he'd rather be captured by her over Endeavor, but can also tell that he doesn't like her either. She doesn't care. She caught him and Endeavor got sassed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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