XVIII. Support Agency Internship

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"Everyone did excellent in the Sports Festival. Now, even if you do not have agencies asking for you, all of you are working with professional Support Companies. Here are the totals." Power Loader announces, the totals appearing on screen behind him.

Mochizuki, Gunvor: 12,528
Hatsume, Mei: 8,252

"Typically, there's more, but these two really held the spotlight this year. Hatsume with her usurping her fight against a Hero Course student to model her gear, and Mochizuki by creating suspense for the reveal of her Support Items and getting third place!" Power Loader announces, drawing attention to Class 1-H's brightest. Hatsume Mei and Mochizuki Gunvor are both very creative, just with different focuses, respecting each other when needed and getting competitive at other times. Gunvor let Hatsume show off her Support Items in the first two rounds uncontested, which helped Hatsume get more attention. Gunvor already had the 'I'm a mixed course student' going for her to get more attention.

Their difference in focuses is reflected in the Support Items they create. Gunvor creates primarily Anti-Quirk Support Items as well as Capture Items and all of her Support Items have a smaller form  to be carried around easier. Hatsume is everywhere when it comes to what type of Support Item she creates and their size doesn't matter.

Gunvor looks through her options, thinking about recent events and her options. She'd like to be in Hosu simply because she feels as though someone is going to be reckless and try to hunt the Hero Killer. She won't name names, but the feeling is still there. Plus, if she draws attention to smaller companies, they could grow. It would be beneficial to both. She writes down her now very small list just as the bell for lunch rings. She goes off to lunch, quite easily spotting Midoriya and his friends. She takes her tray of sushi with extra salmon and approaches.

"May I sit with you guys?" She asks the table, head tilted. Midoriya and Uraraka nod, Tsuyu doesn't really answer, and Iida stands.

"Of course you may, Mochizuki-san!" Iida announces, voice carrying through the whole lunch room. She shakes her head slightly and sits next to Tsuyu.

"I'm Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu." The frog-like girl ribbits at the end of her introduction. Gunvor nods, sushi in mouth. She chews for no more than three seconds before swallowing.

"Mochizuki Gunvor. I'd prefer Gunvor, but someone has called me Mochi before." Gunvor introduces herself. She puts another whole sushi in her mouth, chews for three seconds, and then swallows. "My quirk makes me quite cat-like, so if you get scared, please remember that it is slightly living. I have the instincts of wild animals and I sometimes have a predatory stare that can freeze you in place. I can control the stare to an extent, but take that control with a grain of salt." She crosses her legs. "The stare is weaker against animal-based quirks, though I haven't tested it on anyone whose animal quirk is based on prey of big cats."

"Your quirk must be versatile for you to have gotten third place in the Sports Festival." Iida commends. Gunvor shakes her head at that.

"I was not allowed to use my quirk at all during the fights. Too close to going feral." She hums after she speaks. "Next year, I'll be stronger and get to second place, at least."

The next day, she's standing with Aizawa as he sends off his students to their internships. Support Course students will be sent off later, but, since her father is Aizawa, she'll be sent off with class 1-A. She's going to a Support Company in Hosu just because she wants to bring attention to a smaller company and wants to keep an eye on Iida. Her feelings are based on the fact that, if she were in the same position, she'd hunt the Hero Killer down.

In a way, Sable and the Hero Killer are the same. Their ideas of what true heroes are almost match, with her believing Underground Heroes are almost always the embodiment of what true heroes are and the Hero Killer believing All Might is a true hero. Their actions, however you look at them, oppose each other. Sable took matters into her own hands and fought villains without her quirk, working to save those who couldn't save themselves, in areas heroes and police couldn't patrol due to lack of manpower. The Hero Killer kills or injures heroes to the extent that they can't return to being heroes again. Notably, the Hero Killer never 'hunts' in her territory.

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