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Monday, 6:30 am. *alarm sounds*
"Everybody has an enemy. Monday is mine." I read this quote last night before I fell asleep but I didn't relate to it as much as this morning. Even tho I feel like every day of the week is monday.
I wasn't sure if the alarm was ringing or talking to me. Well now I know that there is NOTHING wrong with me.

I woke up ready for another day at work, took a shower, got dressed, sang in front of the mirror, put my shoes on and when I was locking the door I remembered I hadn't done the typical american movies thing. I ran in the kitchen, grabbed a bite and said "sorry I'm late I have to go".

I know we all have laughed about that one with our siblings and acted like the actors. Maybe that's why it felt different...I had no family there.

I locked the door nervously because my phone was ringing and I couldn't find it cuz my handbag was a total mess. I was planning on cleaning it but this is what happens when you are a lazy ass bitch.

The ringing stopped and as I was walking down the street still looking for the damn phone a black car stopped in front of me and I freaked out for a second.
I saw a face smirking at me and I guess that's the main reason why I threw my bag in his face. I laughed and he showed me the middle finger.

Mason, my best friend, always on time to pick me up and go for a breakfast together. It's our morning routine, getting some cheese on toast and loads of coffee.

Me and Mason met in the nursing school where we spent so many amazing years together. He is a tall guy, blond and curly hair, blue eyes and nice face structure. Unlike other boys at the hospital, he gossips a lot about everyone around us and I absolutely love to get involved in those conversation. Well I guess today is our lucky day cuz we are going to have this new student around and with what people say she is trying her best on impressions our professors. Sounds like a perfect case for our bad habit.

We finished with the food in literally two bites, got our coffee and headed to the car in the parking lot. On our way there, I could see that he was trying to say something to me but then he would step back

"Mason if you got something to say, say it now or keep it to yourself FOREVER"- he laughed

And I continued

"I know your mouth won't be shut for to long tho" and I saw him laughing again but he wasn't surprised on how did I know he wanted to tell me something.

"What would you change in your life if you was a little girl again"
I knew this guy was soo deep into all this type of question but I didn't expect THAT question. He once asked me if i had 2 options to be a human or an alien what would I prefer to be? "C) a fucking zombie."-I said.

I knew he was waiting for an answer but I was lost thinking.
What matters if I would like to change anything? The question is would I ever been able to change the things I wanted in my life?

"I don't know, haven't thought about it"- I lied.

"Yeah but would you change even 1 little thing either if it's for good or for bad"

"Hmmm, I would" I said
He couldn't resist without asking "andd what would that be"

"Mason get the keys and let's drive to work we already late as always" and he did as I said without asking any more questions.

As I got in the car and Mason started the engine I picked some music from my favourite playlist on Spotify. We had around 20 minutes drive to arrive at the hospital main entrance so I needed to avoid his questions...and my thoughts.
I realized I failed the last one when this song came up. I got goosebumps but I couldn't figure it out what it really meant for me. That didn't last for long.

My mind wasn't thinking no more and there it was in front of my eyes the rebellious and amazing young me, I remember playing this song on my first day to school 8th grade.

It was the beginning of September, the time of the year where all the students would go back to school and think for their career, future pathways and how to make their parents proud with the amazing grades that they will get. At least that's how the "Excellent" students described it.
I woke up, got ready and left the house in five minutes as if I cared that I would be late for my first day.

I saw school as the place where I could spend some good time chatting, arguing, having fun with friends and the schools famous bullies of course I wouldn't let them out of this precious moment of the day.

I found myself in front of the main school's gate and I couldn't figure out if I was excited about school or was I enjoying the music too much. Note: I never left the house without my phone and headphones.

-Another year full of drama. Can't wait to happen- I heard myself whispering.

Once I stepped in some flashbacks came by but they didn't last for long as my friends started waving and walking towards my direction, their arms were wide open as if they wanted to hug me.
I couldn't see myself but I was sure that my face told them "Do NOT even try it". Don't get me wrong, I'm not rude. It's just because I wasn't a big fan of hugs and it depended on who would have wanted to hug me. This didn't stop them from doing what they felt on doing tho.

I left that small crowd alive fortunately. I was walking toward the school when I heard someone: "damn girl you look good as always",- she said

"And look how's talking the one that looks good 365days"- I said all exited

"Well I guess this is a leap year and today is the 366 day"

We laughed and got each other into a tight and warm hug that we both missed.
Lai was my best friend, my family. I couldn't think of doing anything without her, we could understand literally every little devilish signals and we would laugh without even saying anything funny, this was us and I loved us.

In the first day of school the headteacher would introduce everything new that they improved during the break and we would be sitting in this big meeting room full of students. It had been a long time and we got so use to it to what the headteacher would say which I can promise none of what they would say wass true but obviously like every other public school they wanted to raise the foundation for themselves.

Lai touched me with her elbow and I gave her a mad look as if I was ready to kill this girl, although she was trying to tell me something. I didn't understand her because I was focused in a conversation of two people in front of me, it's not something that I do but because of the boringness...we can all relate to this it's not just me right?

She said "look at that new boy over there".
I looked up and for a second I couldnt breathe.
I didn't know if it was after a second or an hour when: "Earth to "Essmay" I heard Lai teasing me and giggling.

"WHAT?" I said and she smiled

"Nothing, you were just staring at him"

"Do you think my eyesight is that good to stare at people from far away? I can't even see you right here". - I said to avoid whatever she just said

Lai rolled her eyes and changed the topic but all I could think of was how charming that boy was.

I pushed through the student s that covered the school halls and I could hear them mouthing and that's why I love this school with its endless gossip and the irritating stares. Walking myself to class alone and playing this song which I was really feeling it in my bones I see this boy infront of me entering the exact same class as I was supposed to be in.
-Well this is gonna be interesting- I said and entered the class.

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