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As the first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, the weight of another workday settled heavily upon my shoulders. With a weary sigh, I reached for my alarm clock, its insistent beeping slicing through the silence of my bedroom.

I dragged myself out of bed. The world outside my window seemed to linger in the hazy embrace of sleep, oblivious to the demands of the day that awaited.

With bleary eyes I trudged into the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee coaxing my senses to life finally I felt like myself again. As I poured myself a steaming cup, the bitter scent mingling with the promise of caffeine offered a faint glimmer...- my phone started ringing.

"Hello, Hi, Bye Mason"- I answered while sinking into the worn armchair by the window,

"Erm where is my good morning my one and only bestie, I really appreciate you for calling me and later picking me up for work," he said while he was getting ready to come and pick me up.

"Good morning to the most annoying person I know Mason," I said allowing myself a moment of respite, the silence of the morning enveloping in my embrace. The world outside remained shrouded in darkness, a silent witness to the quiet struggles of those who dared to face the day.

"Get ready in 10 minutes ill be there, please tell me you're out of bed at least so I don't need to wait for another 10 minutes in the car" - he said knowing damn well what he was doing.

"Mason of course I'm out of bed I'm just preparing myself mentally to spend a shift with Liam",

"Oh shit wait a god damn minute that's why you're excited today," I said with a smirk on my face

Essmay get ready"- he said laughing and hanging up the phone.

Finally, we made it on time. In the fluorescent-lit corridors of St. John Hospital, the early morning bustle was already in full swing as doctors and nurses bustled about, preparing for another day of healing and hope. Liam and Jess were probably waiting for us in the staff lounge, as soon as we entered the room a group of colleagues gathered. As the clock ticked closer to the start of their shift, Dr. Nick cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his colleagues to the makeshift podium at the front of the room. With a warm smile, he addressed the group, his voice a beacon of reassurance in the sea of uncertainty that defined his profession.

"Good morning, everyone," he began, his words carrying the weight of years of experience and wisdom. "Another day, another opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those entrusted to our care."

The room fell silent, the gravity of Dr. Nick's words hanging heavy in the air. Around him, his colleagues listened intently, their eyes alight with a shared sense of purpose and dedication.

"As we prepare to embark on our rounds," Dr. Nick continued, his voice steady and sure, "let us remember the privilege bestowed upon us—the privilege of healing, of comforting, of restoring hope in the face of adversity."

"That's the reason I like this guy"- I whispered in Mason's ear,

"Well let me remind you what you said about him yesterday," he said walking away to go and get Jess.

"Of course another fallen solder soon to be"-

"I don't like them just to let you know," Liam said smirking.

Liam we will be a better team than them this is a competition and I can smell the win- I said to him while walking down the corridor smiling, ready to go and check on our first patient for today.

As Mason walked away with Jess, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for my jest about Dr. Nick. Despite my teasing, I held immense respect for him and the dedication he brought to his profession. But Mason had a way of lightening the mood, even in the most serious of situations.

As I joined Liam in the corridor, his smirk faded into a thoughtful expression. "You know, Essmay, I think you're onto something. We do make a pretty good team."

I grinned in agreement, feeling a surge of camaraderie between us. "Absolutely, Liam. I can handle anything that comes our way."

With renewed determination, we set off to begin our rounds, each patient encounter an opportunity to make a difference in their lives. But amidst the hustle and bustle of the hospital corridors, my thoughts kept drifting back to Mason and Jess.

I found them in one of the patient rooms, their voices mingling in quiet conversation as they checked on their assigned patient.

As I approached, Mason flashed me a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, look who decided to grace us with her presence. Better late than never, I suppose."

Jess rolled her eyes, but her exasperated sigh showed a hint of affection. "You know, Mason, one of these days your luck is going to run out and you'll find yourself on the receiving end of a prank."

Mason chuckled, unfazed by her threat. "Bring it on, Jess. I thrive on a good challenge."

I couldn't help but smile at their banter, a reminder of the camaraderie that defined our little team.

In the dimly lit hospital room, Jake reclined on the uncomfortable bed, staring blankly at the ceiling tiles. His fractured leg had brought him here, but it was the monotony of hospital life that was truly testing his sanity. As the door creaked open, Jake braced himself for another round of bedside pleasantries.

"Ah, look who it is, the bearer of band-aids and sympathy," Jake quipped as I entered the room.

My lips twitched with amusement, my eyes twinkling with mischief. "And here I thought I was just the harbinger of hospital food and bad jokes."

Jake chuckled, the tension in the room easing ever so slightly. "Touché, Nurse Essmay. Touché."

Settling into the chair beside Jake's bed, I adopted a mock-serious expression. "So, Mr. Sarcastic, how's life treating you in the land of crinkly gowns and beeping machines?"

Jake shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oh, you know, living the dream. Dodging needles, dodging small talk, the usual."

"Ah, the glamorous life of a hospital patient. It's a wonder you're not fighting off paparazzi."- i said

Jake feigned a dramatic swoon, his hand pressed to his forehead in mock distress. "Mason, my adoring fans must wait for my triumphant return to the real world."

Our banter danced between sarcasm and sincerity, each quips a shield against the weight of Jake's confinement. In our company, he found a welcome reprieve from the sterile walls and sterile conversations that defined hospital life.

"So, Nurse Essmay," Jake began, his tone softened with genuine curiosity, "what's the most absurd thing you've encountered in your illustrious nursing career?"

My laughter filled the room, a melody of warmth and mirth I would say. "Oh, where do I begin? From patients claiming they're allergic to vegetables to the infamous 'I swallowed my phone' debacle, every day brings its brand of absurdity."

Now tell me who is this young guy, is he part of the audience when we doing our stand-up comedy"- Jake said

"Oh yeah, this is Liam we got him under our wings. We need to train him so he can be as cool as us"- I whispered making sure Liam was paying attention.

"Guys I'm here I can hear you two"- Jake and I laughed out loud.

Liam helped me do the check-up to see if Jack was making progress in his health and if everything was up to date.

At that moment I realised that Liam was staring at me then Jack. When we left the room Liam turned around to face me and I guess he just learned his first lesson today.

"Essmay I just realised that the best medicine isn't found in pill bottles or IV drips—it's found in the simple act of sharing a laugh with someone who understands".

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