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I was approaching my seat when I met his silent gaze, who was leaning against the side of the chair with his arms folded across his chest.

To be honest I couldn't tell if he wanted to punch me or talk to me.

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat and I slumped down on the chair next to Lai and Kiara.

"My lips are hurting from the fake smiling I've been carrying around" I said

"Tell me about it girl, this is what we gonna have to do everyday from now on"

Kiara sighed and didn't say a thing. She was busy staring at the new guy and that wasn't a good sign at all. We couldn't manage the pain of another fallen soldier.

Talking about soldiers there was me sitting in that uncomfortable chair with a pen on my hand, acting like I was taking notes and thinking, although I had no clue what was happening there.

I didn't know a thing about history, except that Napoleon was once attacked by a Horde of bunnies. I chuckled just by thinking of that. I heard Kiara say: "I have told you several times that she is mental"

I turned around with the intention to playfully slap her in the cheeks but she had turned her back to me already. So, I had no other choice.

I think I slapped her butt hard because she jumped of the chair and looked shocked.
"Different part of the body, same cheeks"
Lai started laughing with what I said but got worried for Kiara too, she was lau-rried (she liked saying these stupid words).
For a second I thought I hurt Kiara too bu-

"OmG daddy" - she said with a horny voice.

That was it. I couldn't breathe from laughing and wheezing. As a first, Im oretty sure we made a good impression to the new guy since the teacher kicked us out. He said "leave the class so you can calm yourselves"
Yeah if that could really work.

At least we had another chance after one hour with another teacher. This one looked kinda fun tho.

- Psst Essmay, Kiara why dont we go out after school?

-"Come on really today?"

-"Yess essmmay today, do you have a problem with that or you already got a date with your man"- she pointed with her eyes to the new guy.

"That depends on if I have one"- I think I rolled my eyes that much that they went in the back of my head. Well now I can say I have eyes everywhere.

I came to my sense when I heard a honk.
Apparently Mason had called my name several times but I didn't answer.

-Hey, we're here. Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

I unfastened my seat belt and stepped out of the car, going toward the hospital.

This hospital is my second home and I feel like I've got my second family here. I'm here for them to protect and reduce that pain, I'm here to make them comfortable and laugh all day long. Me and Mason are soo good at making them forget at a point about their diagnosis and diseases. This was our job and we absolutely loved it.
I could see the professor Nick walking toward us with some never seen before faces.

-Ah shit, I had forgotten we are gonna babysit now.

There were five of them but with what I know we only gonna keep two students because of the busy agenda we have and this way we will have more time to keep them on track.

"Meet you with essmay and mason, two of my favourite nurses, you guys will be in good hands" professor Nick said.

Me and Mason greeted them and gave each other the "I hope they wont be a pain in the ass" look.

"Hello I'm Jess and I'll be here to teach you guys instead of you two teaching us" - the new girl said.

Well, there goes my hope. Rip.

Professor Nick knew me so well and he was waiting for my come back but instead he decided to leave with a "take it easy kids"- and tapped my shoulder.

"Well, hello there, I'm esmay as you already know and I'll be here to make everything harder for you two"- I said in a calm voice and a big smile in my face.

"Please don't be so hard on them especially on their first day here"- Mason said laughing

I looked at him and it was that moment when he knew I was for real real and I wasn't joking about it.

"Hey I'm Liam and I can't wait to have a long ride with you guys"

"Are you gonna ride us or is it gonna be the opposite"- Jess said,
And honestly I wanted to laugh but instead I smirked.

As a first day I gave them some instructions and a big case scenario on what actions should they take if an incident would occur in the hospital ward, they gonna need some good revision first and come prepared the next day.

After a long day full of instructions Jess and Liam left the ward.

-God this was tiring.

Mason nodded and smiled at me. Our shift was finally over but we had one last thing to do before we went home.

The Missing Part Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now