Piecing the puzzle

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You find your twinky catboy laying on the ground passed out from a sadboi overdose.
Picking him up bridal style, you find the food court and set him on top of a steaming hot plate of fried Xbox1 controllers. Hope his back doesnt burn!
You set on a journey to find Qwerty1, because he usually deals with dying discord mods so what difference is elon senpai?
qwerty1 is... nowhere to be found...
you search for hours. everybody else has left. the pineapple chicken spinach pizza, minion cum, and the xbox controllers are going cold. you want to assume that your bestay is slaying someslay else, but it might be best to... assume hes....
"y/n senpai uwu"
you wHIP YOur hair back and forth and see elon, walking kawailly to his car.
"you ready to go kitten 😈😈😈🔫🔫🔫😝😝😝⛓⛓⛓🚬🚬💔💔" he asks
"yes dattay!! 🥹🥹🥹🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄" you respond, forgetting about your friend.
elon chan drives you back to your place and he looks mad metafuckable in his black suit driving his alpha male girthy dominant tesla! he is feeling emo and jealous so he looks like a constipated sussy amongus imposter baka.
"y y y y y y y/n chan plzzz mak me choccy malk"
"ARGH WOOF BARK GRR" you reply to your sexy submissive kawaii kitten baka.
you get up and find him some used choccy malk that your mommy wommy sent from her metahouse.
"woow dadday this is so yommy uwu chan"
you get back to ultra mega league gaymer business and trade your ultra mega epic kawaii awesome daddy mommy kidcore kawaiicore uwucore softcore babycore epic awesome gigachad unicorn alpha dominant girthy mega pikachu unicorn and you get something amazing in return but you forget the name because ita so long
elon is mad because you

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