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Atsumu's POV

The crowd was blocking me from Shouyou. It gets overwhelming sometimes, having so much strength, but so much agitation simultaneously. and not being able to push through these people.

I wanna slam everyone here into the ground.

They weren't surrounding me, they were surrounding the classroom Shouyou was in.

I could smell his blood even clearer now that I've tasted such deliciousness. When I stood on my toes and pushed someone's head out of the way, I briefly caught sight of him rearing his bloody fist back again with grit teeth.

The teacher cleared a way through the crowd in a hurry and was able to pull Shouyou off the guy on the floor. More staff came to push us away, but I slipped through and made my way into the classroom.

"-detention! Look what you did, Shouyou?! I can't believe this! Take him to the nurse, quickly!"

Shouyou was scowling and breathing roughly. He was red in the face, and not just because of the blood smeared on it from his bloody nose.

"He started it! Fuck you and your stupid fucking *hic*... drawing..!"

Tears welled up quickly in his eyes as he tried to break out of the teacher's grasp. I made my way over in haste and pulled him into my body.

"Shouyou wouldn't ever hit someone without a reason! Investigate this! I'm takin' him to the nurse!"

It pays to be the teacher's favorite. You get a lot of leverage with punishments and work and shit. Osamu's on the other side of the school, so I'll take Shouyou on my own, but he's pretty much got the same power over the staff, too.

"It wasn't my fault," sniffled Shouyou as he walked at my side. I tried to get him to lean against me, but reluctantly dropped my arm when I realized it was only worsening his current mood. 

I'm not sure why he was trying to explain himself to me when I'm already aware he wouldn't start something like this out of the blue, but I let him continue anyway.

"What happened?"

Anger flashed through Shouyou's pained multi-colored eyes. His hair was a mess, failing to cover those lovely orbs.

"He was making fun of my eyes! I told him to cut it out, like, ten times! When the teacher left to pick up copies of our class work, he yanked my hair out of my face and I just... punched him. Then, he swung and I... kept swinging."

I remained silent. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves. The soft sniffles that left him echoed through the empty hallway.

"If I told the teacher that, he'd get pissed at me for getting so angry over a little teasing."

"You gotta right to get angry, Shouyou. Puttin' bastards like that in their place is the only way to get them straightened out. Ya did good."

The sweetness of his blood wafted through the air, and I had to practically halt my breathing to control myself.

He wiped the red substance beneath his nose with his finger and cringed at the sight of it oozing down his hand. I glanced away and wet my dry lips.

There were at least ten students in the nurse's office. One looked as if they had fallen, but the others were all there being obnoxiously loud.

Shouyou shut the door before the nurse could even come to it and rushed away and up the stairs. I tailed him, obviously.

"Shouyou, ya need to get your-"

"I don't need anything! Please, quit following me, Atsu-San. I wanna be alone."

Just as he opened the bathroom door, I was able to snatch his wrist in my desperation. He turned to me. The door clicked shut behind us.

"No way! Yer not alone anymore! You can talk to me!"

Surprise laced into his pained expression, but, just as frustration showed itself on his face, I pulled him into a hug.

No matter how much that appetizing scent tempted me, I held myself together because I love him, and if I was to jump him, well... That wouldn't earn me any points toward his heart, that's for sure.

"But you left when I need you!" His voice cracked, much like my heart. "You have no right to judge how I handle things 'cause of that! Leave me alone!"

Small hands clutched at the bottom of his uniform, trying to act as an outlet for the building tension in his body.

They moved, eventually, to gently push at my chest. I tightened my grip on him and pressed him delicately against the wall.

An inaudible gasp past his lips. My nerves were winding up. My resolve is crumbling at my feet at this very moment.

The next thing I knew, my tongue was tracing over the streak of blood on his face. From his chin, over his lips, and to the origin of such deliciousness. I cleaned his face up and moved to the bit on his finger.

His eyes had fluttered shut as I traced my tongue between his two fingers and down the top of his hand. It certainly calmed him down, but such a teasingly meager amount of blood riled me up even more.

"if I could go back in time, I would, Shouyou. We were young, we didn't know how to control ourselves, and the last thing we'd want is to hurt ya."

I slipped my hand into his hair and moved it out of his face just as his eyes opened. They shimmered with unresolved feelings and an unsettling passion that was really testing me.

"... Sorry... I'm sorry..."

The pushing had subsided, and his body relaxed into mine. He's always been one to get frustrated when he can't sort his feelings out. Osamu and I've gotten used to realizing when he needs time alone or when he needs company.

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad you handled that bastard. Even if ya get into trouble, I think ya did the right thing, beatin' him to a pulp 'n all."

"... Thanks..?"

Shouyou's arms wrapped me into a warm hug, and my mouth was salivating excessively at the view of his nape exposed to me.

I'm gonna eat you alive.

"And, uh, thanks for... cleaning the blood up and stuff."


Awkward shuffling was made.

"We should... head back to class."

"Oh, uh, probably, yeah..."


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