07 | midnight chat

716 44 3


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Atsumu's POV

"Yer not surprised..?"

"'Course not! Ya guys have been fannin' over little Shou-Chan all yer life, haha!"

Osamu handed me another soapy dish, which I began rinsing off with a reddened face.

"Thanks for finally tellin' me, though. This talk is long overdue. The more feelin's you get for him, ya know yer cravin's are only gonna get worse, right? Ya gotta really keep yerself in control unless ya wanna hurt him, and, let me tell ya-"

She pointed her wooden spoon at the two of us with a stern look on her face.

"I'll kick yer fuckin' ass if ya do anythin' to him-"

"Now, now, little lioness, finish stirring the stew before it burns. Osamu, Atsumu, are you having boy troubles again? Is it still Shouyou-Kun?"

Grandma moved in with us a few years back due to her bad health. Mom helps take care of her, and it's kinda cool having someone around that can tell you of all the wacky shit that happened so many years ago.

"It always is, Granny. We've already left him once, but it hasn't seemed to help us at all. If anything, the cravin's are only gettin' stronger."

"And... I don't wanna leave him again."

She nodded, her grey hair bobbing with the motion.

"You've bitten him already?"

"Er..." Osamu cleared his throat, "Y-Yeah..."

The question burning in my mind finally slipped from my mouth. I know Osamu's wondering the same thing, anyway. What we really want to know...

"How much can we bite him?"

Laughter pursued my voice, but not from my own mouth. I turned to Osamu in confusion. He wore a matching expression of such.

"Ya learned this in night school!" Laughed Mom. "Ya should already know how much you can drink before someone's dead!"

Grandma wiped her eyes and slowed her laughing to answer me. Finally.

"Blood volume is normally replaced in 24 hours," She spoke, "but red blood cells take about a month or so to be fully replaced. Ring a bell?"

I dried my hands off on a nearby towel before tossing it to Osamu and facing my Grandma and Mom properly.

"Yer sayin' we can only bite him once a month?"

"No, I'm saying it depends on how much you drink. You could bite him every day if you only took a few sips."

"Wouldn't recommend it though, 'less ya wanna hurt him. Have ya gone any further with him, other than bitin'?"

Osamu and I locked eyes with each other to divert attention away from our obvious suspicious attitude.

"A little... We didn't force him or anything, he offered to let us bite him, and it just kinda... progressed from there," I spoke in Osamu and I's steed.

Mom sighed. Grandma spoke up.

"Don't go too far, guys. You know how much of a pushover Shoyo can be when he's dealing with someone he loves. Make sure you're paying attention to what he really wants and needs and putting those above your own in situations like that. Now, let's get washed up for dinner!"


Osamu's POV

"Shoyo, can I talk to ya real quick?"

It was around midnight when I came knocking on Shoyo's window. He was dressed in his baggy shirt and boxers, no doubt pulled from his slumber by my disturbance.

"Yeah, yeah, come on in..."

He helped me through the window and onto his bed so he could shut it before the chilly night air came in. He's so cute, drowning in that big ol' shirt and all...

Get yer head outta the gutter, Osamu.

"What's up? Can't sleep?"

I couldn't get Granny's words out of my head. Speaking to Atsumu about it would only make him curious about the same thing. It wouldn't get me the answer I need, so I turned to Shoyo.

"Kinda... Er, I wanted to talk about before. You know, when you let us bite you..?"

His cheeks flushed, but he nodded anyway and waited for me to continue. When I directed my attention to the window and the wide, clear night sky, Shoyo's eyes followed.

I glanced back at him, seeing that he was still enamored by the beauty of the night, and reached for his hand. When I took a gentle hold of it, his body stiffened a bit.

Those multicolored eyes found mine, and I tried to offer him a smile, but I couldn't seem to pull my lips up right with this question weighing me down.

"We didn't make ya feel like ya needed to do that, right? Was that of yer own free will?"

His smile was a comforting sight. The soft grip he took on my hand was a nice feeling, too.

"I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't think it was okay. Besides... It wasn't just a matter of helping you guys. To me... It was something a little more than that. Anyway, since you're already here, do you just wanna stay the night?"

"... Is that okay?"

"Of course it is! You know you're always welcome here!"

He looked at me with expectance in his eyes. It was about this time when I realized his feelings were the same as Atsumu and I's. His eyes held a special shimmer of love that I'm all too familiar with because that's exactly how I feel toward him.

When he noticed me smile to myself, he smiled as well and flopped backward onto the bed. His arms were open to me. It's the most welcomed I've ever felt anywhere in my life, right in his arms.

I slipped into them and pulled him close to me with my knees pressing into the bed at his sides. Feeling his warmth so close is beyond addicting.

Our foreheads pressed together, and I could feel a more intense heat from his face, but maybe it's because my face is hot, too. He turned away after a moment of eye contact, and I just left it at that.

I'm glad I finally have my answer. I'm sure Atsumu will be more than delighted to hear the news.

Shoyo loves us, too...

I could have never imagined such a thing coming true. It's almost unbelievable as I think it now, but it's true. That shine in his eyes, that smile, this aura, it all matches up.

I can't wait to officially confess to him.



i had to shit bricks to get this done. in this case, it's a matter of word quantity over quality. sorry guys T-T

bite me | miyahinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن