Birthday Pt. 2

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After opening my presents we talked while we waited for Kakashi, he's always late.

Naruto: Hey Sasuke, I bet you can't touch that branch

Naruto said, pointing to a branch on a tall tree

Sasuke: Nah I probably can't

Naruto: You're no fun-

Sasuke: Yet you still talk to me

Naruto: Oh shush-

He said a bit flustered

Naruto: Hey Y/n, I bet you can't touch that branch

Y/n: How much you wanna bet?

Naruto: I bet my left kidney and my left foot

Y/n: I mean, I can make some fat stacks out of that foot

Naruto: Ya nasty

Y/n: Hey, I'm not the one that likes feet

Naruto: Mhm🤨

I jumped as high as my strong ass legs could take me. I missed the branch by an inch, i fell straight down on my fatass 

(idk what I'm doing at this point💀)

Naruto and Sasuke laughed at me, I laughed along.


Y/n: Shut yo emo-looking depressed ass up I'm just not a giant like y'all

Naruto was rolling on the floor, his face redder than a tomato

Naruto: I... can't... breathe...

He said through his laughter

Y/n: Bro it wasn't even that funny calm tf down

He finally started to go back to normal, he got up and brushed the dust off his clothes.

Kakashi finally arrived, Sakura ran up to greet him.

Sakura: Sensei! Finally you're here! These idiots were driving me insane; Sasuke behaved well thought

Y/n: Who tf you calling idiots

Sakura: You and Naruto, who else?

She said rolling her eyes

I lifted my arm, Sasuke grabbed it and held me back

Sasuke: Woah there, wouldn't want to get in trouble would you?

Naruto held Sakura back

Kakashi: If you two keep fighting I'll have to punish both of you

I lowered my arm and Sasuke let go of me, Naruto let go of Sakura.

Kakashi sighed

Kakashi: Today we have quite a bit of missions, they're pretty simple though

Kakashi: First we have to help Mrs. Shouko with her groceries, then we-

Naruto: Isn't Mrs. Shouko that nice lady that sells hot cocoa?

Kakashi: Yes, now don't interrupt

Kakashi said a with an irritated tone

Kakashi: After that we need to help the kids from the academy practice the shuriken jutsu.

A small, yet noticeable frown appeared on Sasukes face

Kakashi: Then we help with cleaning up Ichiraku's and that's it.

Naruto: Yes, we get to go to Ichiraku's!


It's been a few weeks since I last updated I need to stop being so lazy🙄

Word count:396

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