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I opens my eyes slowly.

Everything is looking blur.

Ahh! My head is spinning : I says


I can see everything clearly now.

But, I realises that I'm in a strange place.

I'm sitting on a chair and my hands are tied up with a rope.

Wait! what is this? Where am I?

Then I realises that I - I AM KIDNAPPED!!

What the hell

I opens my mouth to shout for help but suddenly I stops.

Me ( talking with myself ) : Wait! No! I shouldn't shout. I don't know where I am,  and the kidnapper can be somewhere near me! He can hear my voice and come here.

I decides to stay silent and starts roaming my eyes around the place to atleast find out where I am.

it's looking like a Store room.

I starts to shake myself hard so that Somehow I can be free, but it's of no use

Then suddenly I sees the ropes of my hands, it's looking a bit weak.

So I tries to break the ropes.

Suddenly, I hears the footsteps of people.

I stops and thinks : Looking like the kidnapper is here!

I looks in that direction.

One by one seven men are entering in the room.

The First man is looking of cold nature, he is not even looking at me

The second man enters the room, he has broad shoulders.

The third man is giving leader vibes with his masculine face and body.

The forth man enters, He has a long face. and he is looking very bright like a sun

The fifth one is a bit shorter than others.

The sixth man enters, he waves at me and says in his deep voice with a straight face : hii

And the seventh man enters, he is looking younger than others and he's very muscular.

THE MAN WITH BROAD SHOULDERS : Hello y/n! I hope you didn't face any problem while coming here.

Y/n (yells) : who are you all? And Why I'm here?

He : oh yes!! Let us introduce ourselves..
I am KIM SEOKJIN,, worldwide handsome Jin, you know.

Y/n (with attitude): No, i don't know

Jin : whatever IDC!!

THE MAN WITH MASCULINE FACE : Hii, I'm KIM NAMJOON, the leader of this mafia group. In short you can call me RM.

THE COLD MAN ( in his low voice) : I'm MIN YOONGI,, in short it's SUGA

THE BRIGHT MAN WITH LONG FACE : Hii, I'm your hope! you're my hope! I'm JHOPE,, in long you can call me JUNG HOSEOK

*Unique guy*, Other people are first introducing them by their full name, and then in short.. but he's telling his short name first, and then his full name. : I thinks





After hearing their group's name,I becomes really shocked and my eyes becomes wide.

Y/n (thinks) : what? Th-they are Bangtan boys? They are world biggest mafia group, they are very popular. They killed and kidnapped many people.. (I got a little scared)

But I should not be afraid, otherwise these people will think that I'm weak. I must act brave. : I thinks.

Y/n : are you all done? Now pls tell me why I am here. (screams)

Jimin: ahh! She broked my ear. Hey girl! can't you speak calmly?

Y/n: Seriously? Are you kidding me? You kidnapped me without any reasons, and now telling me to stay calm.

Rm: listen! You girl, We don't do any work without reason.

Y/n: Then tell me why the hell ------

Rm (cuts me in the middle) : MAKNAES, take her to the room..

Y/n: yahh! Atleast, tell me that -----

Rm: MAKNAES! didn't you hear me?

Maknaes ( All together ) : YES HYUNG!!

Then V, Jimin and Jungkook comes and starts taking me towards a room.

No, I don't want to go anywhere,, please leave me. : I scream trying to rid myself of them.

But nobody hears me.

They starts to take me upstairs.

And then, All three of them brings me to a room.

As I enters inside the room, I becomes shocked because this room is really neat and beautiful.

I really can't believe that.. I thought that they will keep me in a dirty room but it is unexpected.

Jk : didn't expect it, right?

I looks at him

V ( to Jungkook and Jimin ) : huh Let's go!!

And then they leaves me in this room..

I sits on the bed and starts thinking crying

Why they kidnapped me? What's the reason? I've never done anything bad to anyone. Then why this is happening with me? ( I cries ) i want to go home, Mom! Dad! Help me.

I looks around the room crying, hoping that I can find any way to escape.

But I am stuck in a small room,

There's no Window,

There's only a closest, a bathroom and a bed..

I looks up, suddenly, I sees a Vent

I looks up, suddenly, I sees a Vent

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A ray of hope wakes up in me.

I gets up but suddenly I hears the sound of the door opening.

I sits on the bed scared.

I sees Namjoon comes to check me.

Rm: hmm! Good! don't will try to run away from here otherwise the result will be worse.

I rolls my eyes

Rm: And one more thing, keep your attitude to yourself.

Y/n : Whatever...

Rm ( sighs ) : Aishh this girl!!

Saying this, he leaves the room

I gets back to my work.

I pushes the bed up to the vent

And the I opens the vent

The vent is not very large but big enough for me.

I looks at the room again and takes a deep breath

I starts going inside the vent

Ahh! There's a Lots of dust. : I says to myself

But I have to escape from here.

I covers my nose and starts to move forward slowly.

While moving, I reaches at the top of another room

Suddenly, I hears a sound

It's JIN inside the room, he is talking with someone on phone

Jin 📞 : Yes! The work is done, she's in room now. Yes!...Hmm...okk!

After this, he hangs the phone

I starts thinking : Which work is he talking about? And with whom he is talking?

Whatever!! I have to focus only on escape.

I starts moving again.

But Suddenly I feels that someone is holding my leg and pulling me backwards.

Oh no! : I screams

( To be continued ~ )

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