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The person pointed the gun on y/n

Y/n closed her eyes tightly

Her heart starts to beat fast..

Person (smirking) : BYE BYE Y/N


The person is about to shoot y/n

Suddenly someone breaks the room's door and enters.

He pushes both, the person and the man , and the bullet hits the wall..

Y/n screams out of fear..

The person and the man becomes shocked..

Person (yells angrily) : who the hell are you?

The person and the man both turned to see that person who pushes them.

And they becomes shocked after seeing that person.

Person : Yo-You?

The person in front of them is no other than KIM SEOKJIN..

Y/n becomes very happy after seeing him.

Y/n (happiness in her eyes) : Mmmmmmhhhh.......

She starts trying to yell his name.

But then she realises that her mouth is tightly covered with the cloth..

Jin : Shocked to see me here?

The man : You have been came here but now you will not be able to go from here!

He tries to attack on Jin.

But suddenly, JIMIN, JUNGKOOK, TAEHYUNG and NAMJOON also enters the room and holds the man and the person.

Man (angry) : Leave us!! Leave us!!

Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand.

Jin breaks the rope and frees the y/n.

Y/n immediately hugs Jin and starts crying...

Y/n (Crying) : Ahh...Thankyou...*Sobs*
....saving me....*sobs*

Jin pats her back

Jin : it's okay y/n.. Don't cry.. Pls don't cry..

Jin wipes her tears.

Then he turns to the man and the person..

They were still in the member's grip trying to free themselves..

Jin punches the man

Jin (angry) : how many times i have to tell you that you can't take away y/n from us.

He punches the man..

Man : Ouch!!

Jin : huh! Once again you lose.. now see us taking y/n with us..

Jungkook (pointing on the person) : But jin hyeong!! Who is this person with this man?

Jin (to the person) : yes! Who are you?

Jimin : hyeong! I think you should pulls out this person's mask..

The person looks at the man and raises the eyebrows.

The man understands that the person is asking for his help..

The Man (yells to distract them) : but- but first tell me how you reached here.. i mean this house is so deep in the forest.. and how you escaped from our members??

The person sighs out of relief..

Y/n : yes jin!! I'm also very surprised..

Jin to the man (smirking) : huh!! Let me tell you something.. the members of your gang are so weak..
They loose from us in the fight..
*Turns to y/n* and y/n do you remember that when He came to take you here and during the fight he punched me, then i lost my balance and I fell on you??

Y/n : yes yes ! I remember..

Jin hugs y/n then takes out a very tiny device from her back.

Y/n : what-what is this??

Jin : it's a tiny device which is connected with our phone and laptops.. because of this we can track anyone's location, and it is invented by YOONGI..
and When i fell on you, i putted this device on you..
And because of this we reached here!

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