Inspiration from the Word

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The Word of God truly has everything - from love stories like in the book of Hosea, to eternal promises like in John 3:16, from intense drama like Rachel, Leah and Jacob's love triangle, to moments of peace like in King Solomon's reign. And in the 66 books of the Good Book, there's lots of imagery.

For instance, Psalm 98:8, "...Let the hills sing out their songs of joy." When I read this, I picture the Myeik Archipelago in Myanmar. I picture the bigger hills as a choir/orchestra and the little one in the middle as the conductor. Or Matthew 6:28-29, "...look at the lilies of the field...Solomon in all his glory was not dresses as beautifully as they are." When I read this, I started sketching lilies and was amazed at how much I liked their slender shape.

And just like that, Inspiration!

For the creatives in the room, you're probably no stranger to the 'creative block'. Whether it be 'art block' or 'writers block'. And it's often hard to get yourself out of that runt. Well look no further than the Word of God. I got out of that art block or writing block a few days ago because the Word of God inspired me to sketch hills, water, flowers and has inspired me to write poetry or little from-the-heart proses.

This doesn't only apply to those who consider themselves creatives. Even the ambitious can get stuck in a block and not feel like studying or working. Well in the Good Book, there's lots of wise, inspiring and motivating words.

For instance, Proverbs 10:4, "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth." Reading verses like this when I'm lying in bed, not wanting to do anything, enables me to swing my legs down and get up. Or Psalm 127:2, "It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat, for God gives rest to his loved ones." In moments when I know I'm pushing myself over a reasonable threshold and going too far, reading verses like this help me draw back and remember who's sovereign.

And just like that, Motivation!

They're many more examples in the Bible of beautiful imagery or earnest motivation.

So I challenge you today to find inspiration and motivation in the Bible. For whatever creative activity you do - be it painting, animation, writing etc. Or the ambitious things you do like studying, working, freelancing etc.

Somewhere in the Bible, in one of the passages or verses, you'll find something that would give you that Eureka moment. The book I'm finding mine, for this moment, is the book of Psalms. But don't restrict yourself, it could be any for you.

And I challenge you to find one today.

-Blossom [Ly-Blossom]

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