Praise the Lord... regardless

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"While I live will I praise the Lord; I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being." Psalms 146:2

A genre - if I could call it so - of verses that I thoroughly enjoy are ones that are very clear. Of course the Holy Spirit brings revelation and gets you deeper into what seemingly is a simple verse but there are some verses that seem more clear than others.

This is one is crystal shining clear. Clear and instructional for you to be able to live by.

It's a lovely checklist.

     ~  Am I alive? Yes? Then I praise the Lord 

     ~  Do I have any being? Yes? Then I praise the Lord.

Think of it as a flowchart that no matter the input, the final answer is Then I praise the Lord.

So the challenge today is to meditate on this scripture and remind yourself when things seem unpleasant, that you should praise the Lord... Regardless.

So do remember this checklist:

Am I alive? Do I have any being? If you're reading this then most certainly so go ahead and praise the Lord.

- Blossom [@Ly-Blossom]

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