Chapter Three

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I wake up with my hand covered in paint.

Crap. I fell asleep.

I couldn't sleep last night so I went to my studio.

I jump up, knocking over my stool, while wiping my hand on my apron that is about ten sizes too big for me and stand back to look at the canvas.

I hadn't realised it at the time but I wasn't painting something random at all.

Because as I look at it, I see a forest in flames, houses and buildings nothing more than piles of rubble. It's the last memory I have of my home.

I have allowed myself to think about my parents and my old life so much more in the past week than I have in years. Maybe it's because I'll be 18 by the end of the month, and it will have officially been a decade since it all happened.

I shake my head to try and clear it as I walk out of the studio and when I see all of the staff getting the last few things put into place and some nobility already in their outfits and mask, I break into a sprint and run through the halls all the way up to the east wing that has all of our bedchambers in it –beside the twins obviously.

As I run up the grand staircase I cut my hand off one of the roses that are used in the floral décor wrapping around the spindles and bannister, nearly dropping the dragon shaped ring my mother gave me in the process.

I make it to my room and strip at the door while throwing my clothes into the laundry basket and fill up the bathtub so that I can wash off all the paint.

As I dry myself off a few minutes later, I sit at my vanity and look at myself. I mean I am conventionally pretty but nothing amazing like Aaliyah or Nai, just basic looking.

I just have short brown hair, brown eyes, and honey-brownish skin. I'm a warm toned piece of mud.

I start doing my hair, nothing too extra, just a side part with some silver diamond hairpins.

I step into the completely black ball gown. I have a red ruby necklace and silver dainty bracelet, oh and the white handheld mask and my ring to tie it all together.

The dress and jewellery are quite modest and plain compared to some of my grander pieces but together they look extravagant. And I take back what I said before, I look gorgeous.

I realise that I'm already really late so I bolt out of my doors and down the staff stairs as it's quicker and make my way to the main hall.

As I start down the entrance I slow down so that I can compose myself. Breathe Kali. As the herald announces me, I walk down the grand staircase into the ballroom.

I take in the room just as I did yesterday and it looks so different now. Magical. It looks magical.

With all the people here and the band playing their lavish music as the guest dance, I can't help but smile when I see Alistar and Aaliyah dancing together in the middle of the floor.

Lia is in a dark green dress with floral accessories and a gold mask, this is the most feminine I have ever seen her and Al is in a plain black suit and mask, they are both smiling at eachother.

They are both in love with one another but are too afraid to even think the other might return the feelings that they try to hide, not only from us but from themselves too.

I look around continuing down the stairs trying not to trip. I hate heels, they are an evil device of death.

I spot Nailah's signature royal blue coloured gown right away. The dress is gorgeous. It has long lace sleeves and a sweetheart neckline adorned in jewels and matching blue jewellery and a black lace mask.

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