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        *KNOCK KNOCK* "Jo, we know you're in there! You murdered Helena!" a voice from outside yelled. I don't know what the hell I have done to Helena other than hitting her...

Look, she stole one of my footballs and said that she never took it! I found it in her pillow. I honestly don't know why she took it but she did and so I slapped right across the face. Multiple times...

        "Uh, whoever is out there, leave the fucking house! I'll call the cops, or worse, I will hurt you!" I yelled back. Somehow the person opened the door. It was Courtney.

"Jo, stop smoking weed and confess that you killed Helena." Courtney said with her arms crossed.

"You are acting like a seven year old, I said leave, BITCH!" I screamed as Courtney stepped back. I wouldn't kill Helena, but I hate her.  I had so many questions going around my head.

        "Jo, you killed Hele-" Courtney cut off. "SHUT THE FUCK UP I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE TWICE! ONE MORE AND YOU WILL BE DEAD!" I screamed at Courtney. She slowly backed up to the door and brought out a real pistol! "Courtney, I DID NOT KILL HELENA! You probably did since you have a fucking pistol!" I said in fear. This was the first time I was scared of something.

        She was acting like a psycho with a weird and creepy attitude. "I will kill you! Crazy shit has happened ever since Helena died!" Courtney screamed as a tear went down her cheek. "When did she die?" I question. Courtney aimed her pistol right on my forehead.

"A few hours ago, but you killed her!" Courtney answered. *creeeek*

A loud creek was heard on the stairway. It was DJ. I asked him to come over because we kinda hooked up... I know it sounds weird but he's a BEAST! "Who the hell is that? Answer before I shoot you!" Courtney screamed.

        I looked over at DJ and he went back upstairs to get a kitchen knife. He nodded at me as if we made a deal, but we didn't. A second later he charged downstairs to Courtney, but she was faster. She shot him right in the chest and he flopped on the ground. I was so angry! My own boyfriend was dead!

"You're next, BITCH!" Courtney said fiercely. *BING!* Courtney brought out her phone.

"ur a murderer now! Ha! Congratz you joined my party! I wonder who sent this message :D" Courtney read aloud.

"Someone is watching us," Courtney said nervously. *BANG* All I could hear after that loud bang was liquid squirting. Courtney had shot my throat. I raised the naughty finger at her and flopped on the ground. I was with DJ and Helena...


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