03. Little Girl, Powerful Witch

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Post Date: 05.11.21

Word count:

Based off: 01x04 "Girl in New Orleans


"What were you doing with that poor woman Cami?" I ask Klaus as she walks out.

"Nothing that you would disapprove of," Klaus responds.

"It's kind of hard for me to believe that. Since you never....I mean never listen to me," I say.

Klaus insisted that we take a walk through the quarter to "show me around more" as he described. Since I have nothing better to do, I agreed. Of course, we end up where Cami works, no surprise.

"Hello, Cami," Klaus says as we walk up to her.

"How is it that when you come up to me now and no one else is around I suddenly remember that you just told me you're a vampire and you're mind-controlling me, and then you leave, and I go back to thinking you're just some hot guy with a cute accent and money to burn on your sprawling memoir?" Cami asks. Klaus's face is full of amusement at her question as keep in my chuckle at her statement.

"Well, that's how compulsion works," Klaus responds.

"Yeah, but what's happening? Is it hypnosis, are my neurons being shut down somehow?" She asks further.

"You're always the curious scholar," Klaus says.

"And Athena, are you uhh compelling her too?" Cami asks.

"I would never allow him to. I'm another vampire so there's no need to hide anything," I respond half lying since I'm unsure what she might do with the information of hybrids or if Klaus had told her that he is one.

"Let's talk about Marcel," Klaus says gesturing to the table behind Cami. "You said you have a little information for me," Klaus says as we all sit down.

"He's bringing someone to the music festival tonight, a girl he's mentoring. Apparently, she's going through a hard time, rebelling against authority, anger issues, that sort of thing. I guess with my psych degree he figured I could set her straight, but I said no," Cami explains.

"I'm gonna go ahead and insist you change your answer to yes," Klaus says.

"You're gonna force me to do this, aren't you?" Cami asks after she is taken aback by Klaus' response. "Why even bother with politeness?"

"It's not his sort of thing," I say.

"Because I like you. I like the way your mind works. Under different circumstances, I think we might be friends. However, I don't have the luxury of passing up tonight's opportunity. You see, in addition to being Marcel's rather potent secret weapon, this girl Davina is holding my brother captive," Klaus explains.

"Our brother," I interrupt.

"Our brother captive. In other words, the girl needs your help. Call Marcel, tell him you'll be happy to oblige," Klaus says compelling Cami. After Klaus had waited for Cami to make the call we head back to the house.

"You know you could've been nicer or at least really ask her," I say.

"She wouldn't have done it if I didn't compel her," Klaus responds.

"You don't know that," I say.

"Except I do. Now if you excuse me I have to figure out how to get Elijah back from Davina," He says walking faster in front of me as we arrived at the house.

"Ok, stop," I say.

"We don't have time," Klaus says still walking.

I rush in front of him, "I don't know what is going to make you believe this. But Elijah is my brother too and I'm helping you get him back. If Davina is as powerful as we think she is, you're gonna need back up," I explain.

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