07. Out in the Bayou

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Post Date: 08.10.2021

Word count: 2.1k

Based off: 01x09 "Reigning Pain in New Orleans"


I woke up to find that Klaus was leaving early in the morning, "the movers will be here in a few minutes," I hear him say before he leaves.

"The movers?" I ask Rebekah as I come down the stairs.

"Yeah. After his win last night he's moving everything into the compound. I believe he left a note for you in the kitchen," Rebekah responds. I sigh and head to the kitchen to find the note.

"Love. I'm sure you heard about last night's events. We are moving into the compound so I will need you to pack up your belongings and give them to the movers. -K" I read on the note. As soon as I was finished reading I heard a big truck rolling up. The movers head in and started to move the furniture out of the house.

"Absolutely no. I paid for that," I hear Rebekah say to the movers.

"Please. Never paid for anything in your life," Elijah says making his way down the stairs.

"I hardly see how that's relevant. Nik's just punishing us," Rebekah says.

"Well, we've hurt him, deeply, it would appear," Elijah says.

"Didn't know that me making snide remarks and giving him the silent treatment would hurt him so much," I snicker. The two siblings also let out a little laugh.

"We believed the worst about him the one time in a million when the worst wasn't actually the truth. Where do you think you're going?" Rebekah asks Elijah as he walks out the front door.

"To ensure that Haley doesn't suffer for our mistakes. Niklaus is feeling vindictive. We cannot trust that she is safe," Elijah says and continues on his way. Rebekah then follows her brother and I find myself doing the same. We follow Elijah to the compound.

"Going somewhere?" A man says to a wondering Haley. Before Haley could respond, Elijah takes the man and snaps his neck.

"Elijah. You shouldn't; be here. Klaus has his guys watching me," Haley says.

"I wouldn't worry about them," Elijah responds. Rebekah and I then shove two other men from down the hallway where we were waiting. "Come. We mustn't linger. Let's get you someplace safe," Elijah says.

"No. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I've been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus. It's the werewolves who need help. He ordered a wolf hunt as some jacked-up peace offering to Marcel's crew. You have to help them," Haley explains.

"Out in the Bayou? Do we look like a bloody vampire rescue squad? I think you should be great full we came to save you," Rebekah responds.

"Listen Rebekah. All my life, I've wanted to know who my real family was, and just as I find out that they're out there in the bayou, Klaus orders them killed. You want to help me? Help my people, please," Haley explains.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm helping Haley. I would do anything to know who my family is, but I don't have the chance. I want Haley to have that chance," I say. Soon enough Elijah and Rebekah agree with me and we head out to the Bayou. As we arrive Marcel's men are already rummaging through the place.

"Hey, they were obviously just here. Fan out, find them, and bring me some heads," We hear one of the men say in the distance.

"I'd rather you didn't," Elijah says as we arrive.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Marcel's man says.

"I've come to suggest you seek other hunting grounds," Elijah says.

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