Chapter 1: hellfire club

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It's been about a week since I started school at Hawkins High and let me tell you it has not been easy. I feel like everything has changed ever since last summer lucas is always playing basket ball, max just dosent seem the same after losing Billy and all Mike ever thinks about is eleven. I've decided however to stick to my old ways

I've joined my brothers club Hellfire club along with Mike Dustin and lucas but like u said lucas is so focused on basketball and popularity. We meet up every day and play d and d its my favourite thing to do it makes everything feel like it used too.

After class finished I go towards Eddie's table and I see Dustin and Mike looking at him as he was Reading a newspaper magazine
"Shit he seems really revved up today" I heard Dustin say
"Hes always revved up well just act casual"
"Guys I wouldn't worry just tell him the truth about lucas it will be fine" I tell them knowing full well he will react to what they want to tell him.

I walk towards Eddie's table just behind the boys "hey Eddie" I say as I sit next too him. "Have you seen this" he says as he hands me magazine
'dungeons and dragons at first regarded as a harmless game of make believe blow has both parents and psychologists concerned'
"I've had enough of that" I say as i laugh and  hand it back to him
"Society has to blame something and were an easy target"
"Exactly" Eddie says
"They think of us as freaks" I complain to him
"Yeah because we like to play fantasy game      but...." he says as he steps up to the table oh god here we go here is his life changing speech
"As long as your in band or science  or partieeeeees" he says as he gets a number of shouts at him "OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" He shouts to Jason's table
"You want something freak" jason shouts at him. And there it is the reason for this whole preformance 'Freak' and in response to Jason's very common insult Eddie pulls a devil face at him. Something about my brother is very strange but he dosent care that's what I like about him he dosent listen to what people say to him. I laugh at what he says as he jumps off the table and he smiles at me. We are very close and we always have been.

"That's the real monster" Eddie says after dramaticaly finishing his speech "so uh speaking of monsters Lucus has to do his uhh" Dustin says earning a stare from Eddie which quickly shifts to me as I laugh knowing what's coming. "Balls and laundry baskets game so he's not going to be able to make it to hellfire tonight " he laughs "great job dusty bun" I laugh at him "soo me and Mike were were talkin shooting the shit and we were thinking maybe we could" he says before being interested by Mike "postpone" who knew that one word.cpuld cause that much of a reaction. "Oh nooo postpone what on earth are we going to do" I say taking the fun in the situation unlike the others how ever.

"SHUT UP!..... you saying sinclairs being taken in by the dark side" Eddie says
"Uhh something like that"
"Something like that" Eddie repeated clearly annoyed as he flicks some food at Mike to be fair it is Eddie's final campaign which he has been working on for ages and it does mean alot too him.
"And rather than finding a sub for him you want..... you want to postpone the cult of vecna"
"Well if you put it that way it does seem alot more serious" I add
"I don't want to postpone it .. we don't want to postpone it"
"To be honest who will play when the championship games on" I say to help Mike out but clearly making things worse as Eddie gets up from his chair.

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