Chapter 7: suspect

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I walked out the trailer and towards maxs door. As I'm about to knock on the door it opens and max is standing in the doorway. "Hey dani"
"Uhhh.... hey max"
"Whats wrong?" She asks I look at the floor and say "uhh nothing do you mind if I stay the night?" I say
"No not at all come in" she says
"Thank you so much" I say too her

I walk into her trailer and follow max to her room. "So chrissy huh?"
"Sorry?" I ask oh no what if she knows I need to tell her. No not today I'll tell her another day.
"Your brother, I saw him go into your trailer with chrissy"
"Oh, uhhh.... yeah she uhhhh just wanted drugs." I say
"Really? That dosent seem like her" she says
"That's what I thought" I say
"So if you want I can sleep on the floor and you can have my bed" max says
"Oh no please ill sleep on the floor I don't want to be Any trouble" I say I'm already being a nuisance showing up at her house late at night asking to sleep over. "You sure?" She asks
"Yeah don't worry"
"Ok night dani"
"Night max"

I lie on the floor with the blanket max gave me .
all I can hear is the moment replaying in my head over and over again
Where is eddie? I hope he's OK when will I see him again? I need to look for him.

All my thoughts I'm my head fade away and i finally fall asleep.


I wake up and all I can hear is sirens. I get up from the floor and walk over too the window to see 4 police cars parked outside my trailer and I see uncle Neil sitting in the porch 'Oh no' they've found her. We're gonna get killed, what do I do?

By this point max has got up and she us stood next too me "What happened?" She asks
"Uhh I don't know"
Max walks out to her mum who is also staring out the window
"Look like that munson boy got himself in trouble again" she says
She turns around and sees me standing in the door way "oh uh dani what are you doing here?"
"I slept the night sorry for not asking I was kinda desperate I was on my own in yhe trailer and I was getting quite lonely" I say which is obviously was not what happened.
"Oh thats fine don't worry about it" she says as she smiles at me, half happy and half 'I feel bad for her' kinda thing.

Max walks out side so I stupidly follow her outside. She walks over too my trailer so I walk with her
"HEY, you can't be out here get back inside" an officer says as he grabs her arm

"DANI?" I hear someone shout I turn around to see uncle Neil "uh hey" I say back
"Do you know what happened" he asks
"No I was at maxs all night but whatever happened it wasn't Eddie I know it wasn't, they need to know it wasn't him he wouldn't do that" I say too him
"Dani it's ok I know it wasn't him its not who he is don't worry everything will be fine" he says too me
"DANI MUNSON" I hear, I turn around and see cheif Powell "do you know what happened" he says
"No I was at my friend max's trailer who lives over there all night I didn't see anything so please just don't ask me anything ok" I say too him I hope I'm not a suspect
"Ok your free to leave but if I find out your lying you can be in serious trouble"
I walk back over to max's trailer and go inside. "Hey I'm uh going to Dustins, do you wanna come with?" Max says

"No thanks I think ill just stay here for a little while if that's Ok tell Dustin I said hi though"
"Ok ill see you later" she says as she grabs her bag and walks out.

What if she thinks I did it, no surely not she's my best friend she wouldn't would she?


Dustins P.O.V

The doorbell rings so I get up and answer it. Max is stood there but she dosent say anything she just stares in horror

"Chrissy cunningham?"
"Are you sure it was chrissy" I ask max as I pace up and down  my room.

"Yes, in her cheerleader outfit. Same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie" 

"Did you tell this too the cops?" I ask her, she can't  be saying Eddie is to blame, no surely not.

"No, but...I.... I cant be the only one who saw them together I mean they stood out,"

"Eddie the freak, with chrissy the cheerleader?" I say

"Exactly. You know his names not in the news yet or anything"
"But I can guarantee Eddie is suspect one right now" max says
No this isn't right

"That's crazy" I say
Max is blaming Eddie the brother of her best friend.
I Shout

"NO WAY" Eddie would never do it I know him he wouldn't hurt a fly, even dani knows. Wait dani what happened to her? is she there?

"We cant rule it out" max says

"YES WE CAN, have you even asked dani yet she would know she's your best fried and she knows him more than anyone can but in this situation I know him more that you"


"You dont know him like I do max, okay?"
"When we got to high-school lucas made all his sports friends Mike and me?... i mean, no one was nice too us. No one except Eddie amd not just because we're danis friends but because the saw us for who we were"

"Okay, well I mea  ..... they said the same shit about Ted bundy"
"Yeah, he's like a super nice guy but then he's murdering women on the weekend."

"So your saying Eddie is like Ted bundy?"

"No... no.... I... I'm not saying...... I'm saying that, we can't presume anything okay?..... but it dosent look good for eddie" she says. I just sit on my bed. Eddie would never dobthis and I need to proove it to people he is a harmless person.

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