Chapter 8: finding eddie

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Danis P.O.V

I was sat in maxs room when suddenly both max and Dustin came storming in
"Dani come with us we need to find eddie" max says

"Wait....?what...?" I say
"Well tell you later just come on" Dustin says as he pulls me out the trailer.

I grab my bike and follow them into town.


We walk towards family films where Steve and Robin work and walk on and see both of them at the counter

"Hey steve" Dustin says

"You see this?" Steve asks
I look at the TV and see its our trailer

"Hiw many phones do you have?" Dustin asks

"Oh hey dani do you know about this?" Steve says as he notices me beind max

"Well that was a stupid question of course she does she lives there?" Max says

"Oh yeah sorry dani" Steve says

"Oh dont worry Steve it's fine" I smile at him


"Two why?"

"Techinically three if you count keiths" Robin adds

"Yeah three works" max says
Dustin takes his bag off and puts it on the counter
"Wait what are you doing?" Steve asks
And Dustin throws his bag over the counter
"My pile" Robin shouts as he knocks over her tape pile aswell as knocking Iver alot more things over.

"Dustin you could've walked round" I say as I pick up the things that fell on the floor and walk round to the computer.

"What are you doing man?" Steve asks

"Setting up base of operations here" Dustin says clearly annoyed

"Base of operations?" Robin asks

"Stop get off" Steve wines

"I need it"

"Guys just stop arguing Steve please just let Dustin do his thing" I say

"What do you need it for?" Steve asks

"I need to find Eddie's friends phone numbers"
"What, why is he like your bew best friend, who's cooler.than me because he plays your nerdy game?"

"I never said that" Dustin shouts at him
"Anyway he's danis brother incase you forgot and she needs help with finding him so"

"Yeah right excuses excuses" Steve moans

"Seriously you guys in a Monday you can play around like todlers.... but it's a Saturday which is our busiest day."

"Guys please we need to do this" I say

"Yeah danis right we need to do this and can I just emphasise it can not wait" Dustin says

"What so calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency" Robin moans

"Correct" Dustin shouts

"Please Steve Eddie's missing and this Is the only hope we got finding him" I say  as I look at him. He sighs

"Dani, max just fill them in while I do this and dani so can you help me it might be easier?" Dustin orders

"Fill us in on what?" Robin says


I was sat in a stool as watching the others call people and all I could think about was Eddie. Will I even find him again? Is he still alive? Thoughts started racing round my head the horrible feeling of the un known If i will ever see my brother again.

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