chapter 6: Murder vol 2

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Eddies p.o.v

"Found it" I say as I walk out my room and to where Chrissy is "peaceful bliss, just moments away" I look up and Chrissy is just standing there and staring into space "Chrissy?" I say as I stop and look at her. What is going on with her I walk towards her and wave my hand in her face "Chrissy" I say "hello?" what in the.... she is still stood there. I jump towards her and shout "CHRISSY" nothing, she is still stood there she looks like she is being possessed or something .

I am now very concerned that I may have a possessed cheerleader in my trailer . ok this must be a joke "hey, Chrissy wake up"   
  "heyyyy, hello?" I say as I wave my hand Infront of her face even clicking my fingers doesn't wake her up



still nothing her eyes are lifeless is she really being possessed? this cant be real. "HEY, CHRISSY" the lights start flickering ok am I really here right now. All I can hear is the eery sounds of every single light flickering.


Dani's P.O.V

I hear Eddie shouting from the other room have those drugs already kicked in? surely not I lie back down on my bed and try get to sleep but all I can hear is Eddie shouting what is going on in there
I hear, suddenly the lights start flickering and they make a horrible screeching sound. What ever is going on is no normal thing. I get out of my bed and walk over too the window maybe its just the electrics at the trailer park I look over too max's window and lights are flickering there too which calms my nerves at least I'm not going crazy.


Eddies P.O.V

"time to wake up. Hello? can you hear me?"
I say to her as I clap my hands. Am i just going crazy? maybe the drugs have gotten too my head finally after all these years.
"Wake up, Chrissy" I shout as I vigorously shake her.
"CHRISSY, WAKE UPPPPPP" I shout. I'm getting extremely freaked out I have no idea what is going on. "I DON'T LIKE THIS, CHRISSY WAKE UPPPP!" I shout  the lights are still flickering which does not  help the situation at all. c'mon Chrissy please Jesus. "CHRISSY! CHRISSY! CHRISSY!" I say is i pat her face "CHRISSY, WAKE UP NOW! CHRISSY!" I shout. WHAT IS GOING ON. "CHRISSY!"

Suddenly, she starts rising from the floor and she starts to float.
"WHAT" I say as I stumble backwards what am I seeing? What is going on? please say this is just a nightmare. I watch her as she floats higher and higher. she gets slammed against the ceiling as if someone or something had pulled her
"JESUS CHRIST!" I say as I fall backwards. I look up at her possessed body in fear. 


Dani's P.O.V

All I can hear is Eddie shouting "CHRISSY, WAKE UP NOW! CHRISSY!" Why is he shouting so much. I get out my bed once again and walk towards the hall

Eddie says as he stumbles back i walk further down the hall towards the kitchen where Eddie is and I see Chrissy floating up towards the ceiling 'what is gong on' I think to myself 'is this really happening?, is this a nightmare?' my head fills with thoughts of endless questions.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Eddie shouts as Chrissy slams against the roof but she doesn't fall she just stays there flat up against the this point Eddie is on the floor and I  see him looking up at her I can tell how scared he is.

for saying he looks scary on the outside on the inside he is a very sensitive person but only I know that he is probably petrified, But me I still get scared regardless no matter how much I've been through especially these past few years with things from the upside down, the thing is  Eddie knows nothing about what has happened and I hope it stays that way he doesn't deserve to be pulled into those horrible situations he's been through enough.

I stand there frozen in fear as I see Chrissy on the ceiling I don't even know what to do my body has just frozen I want to help but I cant I want to help Eddie but I cant I'm useless.


Eddies P.O.V

her bones start to crack I back up in fear what is going on? this cant be real. first her arms then her legs. limb by limb her body cracks  her jaw pops and what was once a mouth of fear became nothing but broken bones. I cant comprehend what's happening fear has completely taken over my body I'm still in disbelief if this is actually real it cant be. can it?

"AGHHHHHHHHH" I let out a deafening scream pure terror is all I can describe it as suddenly her eyes disappeared as if someone was inside her head and pulled them from inside.

"AGHHHHHHH" I hear I turn around and see Dani stood there shaking and she too is shaking in pure fear why did she have too see that what am I going to do. for a good minute or so I sat there and she stood. "Eddie what do we do" she sobs as she looks at me and sits next to me. I put my arm around her neck and she sobs into my chest. " I don't know, I don't know" I say in a monotone voice.


Dani's P.O.V

I sob into eddies chest I've seen some pretty horrible things before but nothing quite as horrible as that
"we cant say here dan" Eddie says
"if people find out were dead they'll all be out for us you need to go go to Max's and ill hide somewhere I don't know where but I need you to be safe ok?"


"No Dani please do what I say I don't want you getting hurt its for your own good, if and when its over I promise I will come for you  but until then your my main priority" 

"I cant be without you Eddie I need you" I sob, I cant lose him he is all I have left I need him

"you'll be ok it wont be for long hopefully, please just trust me in this ok, go to max's its safer there I love you please be safe" he says as he stands up

"Love you too" I say as I hug him "please don't leave me forever" I beg to him "I wont don't worry" he says " here take this for now" he says as he hands me his necklace with a guitar pick on it. "You sure?" I ask "yeah ill see you soon ok" he says

"bye Edds be safe" I say as I hug him one last time and walk out the door. 

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