Chapter 8: The Decision

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Chapter 8: The Decision

The past few nights, Striker had less nightmares and thanks to Blitzo. He was also able to sleep in his own comfortable bed in his own home. Not to mention, even when he had nightmares, some of them had a happy ending or he'd wake up before anything else happened. But now, he'd been having pleasant dreams. It was like the night Blitzo helped him sleep to get over his PTSD, regarding Stella. As Striker slept in his own warm and soft bed, in the comfort of his own home, he felt tranquility.

Little did he know that someone was spying on him from outside the window. The figure watched the cowboy imp sleep peacefully with an evil grin on his face. He held the bottom of the window and opened it, inviting himself in the house. He moved his leg through the window, followed by his body, but just before he could get his other leg in, he fell onto the floor and landed with a hard thud.

"Shit!" he muttered.

However, Striker remained unperturbed, but this didn't stop the same stalker from getting a closer look at his sleeping form. He climbed up the slumbering imp's bed and felt something moan and shift in sleep. The stalker sighed and got off the bed, gently landing on his feet.

"He must be a heavy sleeper," the stalker muttered to himself. He exited the house through a window and closed it on his way out and went back home from his "investigation".

Striker, on the other hand, was still asleep as if no one broke into his house.


When Blitzo got back home that night, he unlocked his door to his apartment after his fiasco at Striker's and closed the door behind him, sighing in relief to be out of the cowboy's house. He then locked the door in case someone was to kidnap him or his sister.

Blitzo looked around the apartment, including the guest bedroom, where Barbie Wire was sleeping in. He smiled, knowing she was still there. He was sure glad he locked the door before leaving the apartment, even though he was running a quick "errand" because if he didn't, his sister would've been abducted or worse, killed.

Relieved that his sister was safe in his home, he confined to his own room and crawled into bed, exhausted from his adventure.


The next week, everyone was back in the I.M.P. building with Barbie Wire, whom Blitzo brought along, so she could let everyone in I.M.P. know her decision.

"Attention all, killers," Blitzo announced, "My twin sister, Barbie Wire has something to tell us."

Moxxie, Millie, Loona, and Striker smiled at Barbie Wire in anticipation of her response, making her feel a bit nervous.

"So, what's the plan, Barbie honey?" Millie asked.

"Millie, let her think," Moxxie whispered.


"Mox is right," Striker whispered, "She's just nervous."

Barbie took a deep breath to ease her tension. "Okay. I decided to become..."

Millie nodded, her grin not leaving her face. Striker placed his hand under his chin, waiting for an answer. Moxxie looked up at Blitzo's twin.

"...An actress," was Barbie Wire's reply.

Striker gave her a thumbs up, while Millie gasped in disbelief as her husband tried to calm her and Loona smirked.

"It's okay, Mils," Blitzo gently told her, "Barbie and I talked about it last night and I respected her decision."

"I would've wanted another female imp to work with, but I see where you're coming from, Blitz."

"I understand, Millie," Barbie Wire said, "I can still visit you guys anytime. I'll keep in touch."

"You will?" asked Millie.

Barbie Wire smiled at her. "Of course." She winked, telling her she had her word.

"Just like she promised," Blitzo stated.

"I knew you'd take all the time you needed, Barbie, if you'd set your mind to it," said Striker.

Barbie Wire was touched by his words.

Loona gave her a thumbs up. "Great job, Barbie Wire."

"She's your aunt, Loony," Blitzo told her.

"Alright, Aunt Barbie Wire."

Barbie Wire blushed.

Millie got out of her chair to apologize to her. "Barbie, hon, I'm sorry. It's just that I was surprised that you weren't working at I.M.P., but now I respect your decision because it's not up to me or anyone here; it's up to you."

"Why, thank you, Millie." Barbie Wire hugged her and Millie did the same. Then, everyone gathered around for a group hug, supporting Barbie Wire's career choice. "Thank you all for your support."

"And you'd make one hell of an actress," Blitzo told his sister with a wink.

"I'll take it as a compliment."

Later that week, Barbie Wire started her acting career and everyone, especially her brother was proud of her. Whenever she wasn't acting, she also made music, not just for money, but for fun, in case things started slowing down. Yet, she always had the opportunity to catch up with Blitzo and hang out with his team, who loved her and supported her. Not to mention, Blitzo and the gang watched the movies and shows Barbie Wire was in and enjoyed them. Like Blitzo said, she made one hell of an actress.


For now...

AN: I plan on doing a third story in The Redemption of a Cowboy Imp installment eventually. It's called One Helluva Happy Family.

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