America Headcanon Dump (part 2)

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Warnings for grooming, peodophillia, child sexual abuse, child abuse, mentioned drug abuse, racism, transphobia, mental illness and disabilities, death, history, Confederate (the privileged asshole).

1. America knows how to play the piano. He was taught when he was younger so that he would entertain guests. He hated the lessons.

2. His human name is Zephyr.

3. HATES flavorless and bland food.

4. America was never allowed to leave the house when he was younger.

5. LOVES Halloween.

6. Is partially deaf in one ear.

7. Freckles. :)

8. Ghosts are real, according to him.

9. America has a tendency to switch hobbies during manic cycles. The hobbies includes: knitting, crocket, baking, wreath-making, writing, etc.

10. He is very insecure about his imperfections. What are they?
-His teeth: he has two front buck teeth and a tooth gap.
-His freckles: he has quite a bit of them throughout his body.
-His skin color: self-explanatory, but y'know, racism and colorism is a thing. Another reason is because of England and British Empire. Britain wasn't the worst, but she had her not-so-great moments.
-Being half-human: Oh yeah, he's half-human. He has some skin-patches to prove it. His dad is dead. :D
-His hair
-Looking like a kid: He doesn't, but okay.
-Toxic Masculinity: It's more of him wanting to prove his worth as a man. It doesn't help that he enjoys "feminine things" and writing in a journal provided by your therapist. Yeah...the therapist needs therapy.

11. He did moonshine once...and he'll fucking do it again.

12. A few days after setting foot to the New World, he was bombarded by witch-hunters, who believed him to be a witch. Trapped, confused, and scared he ran away in hopes to find safety. He became paranoid after that.

13. No one has no idea who America's father is, not even America knows (he doesn't care). It is a question that stumps everyone.

14. Does tarot.

15. Completely unsatisfied with his life.

16. Had a lamb doll as a child.

17. His first rebellion phase? Becoming Catholic. Thanks to Mexico and Ireland. He's no longer Catholic, if not, Christian anymore. That part is due to the Civil War.

18. Loves to cook, and is surprisingly good at it. Will get mad if something goes wrong.

19. Stress eats.

20. Hates public speaking.

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