A Germany Headcanon

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After WWII, East and West Germany split up. Duh. But the process of being their own country was more complicated.

For West Germany, due to Nazi propaganda about minorities, she had a huge distain for the "mongrel countries". Not ideal if you are America. (Because...Berlin and all that.)

She hiss, spat, and said hateful things because, 1, she's a kid who had the misfortune of having an evil person as her father, and 2, her formative years were living under a regime. What do you expect?

Over time, she deconstructed her preconceived notions and the propaganda that was forced fed to her. Thankfully. She did apologize (a lot) eventually.

Also, internalized ableism. Fun! /sarc

East Germany, he often got sick due to genetics. So, he got himself into learning herbal medicine to calm his symptoms down as well as medicine provided by doctors.

Also the fact that he's trans...soooooo.

When the two reunited it started out sweet, however, East's symptoms got worse and worse until he eventually succumbed to his illness.

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