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"Friends break up, friends get married

Strangers get born, strangers get buried

Trends change, rumors fly through new skies

But I'm right where you left me"

-Taylor Swift "Right where you left me"

Dear Jack,

I remember the first day I met you. It was ninth grade and we were told a new student would be joining our class. I remember being annoyed because the only seat left was the one in our group of five. I'm not sure why it bothered me. Maybe it was because of my introvertness.

I turned to see the new face and saw you there, near the door. With your curly black hair and shy smile. I even remember what you wore. Blue jeans and a black athletic jacket over your polo shirt. Usually I can't recall what I ate the day before but that image is seared in my memory.

The following days we had the same class and we started getting to know each other more. I tried to deny it, but I developed a crush on you.

Sadly our time together didn't last long since in the second semester of the year they switched you to a different class.

The following school year I was sure we wouldn't have any classes together but we ended up having two. I was excited and nervous about that.

You had changed and even became a bit obnoxious to some, but I didn't care. After all, people change. But to me I still thought of you as a friend.

For 11th and 12th grade we didn't share classes so I would just watch you from the hallway. You didn't talk to me anymore so I didn't approach you.

You don't know this, but there was a day I saw you that broke my heart.

I was in the library waiting for classes to start. I was just reading and got interrupted by one of my old friends stopping by and telling me hi. She was showing me how to play temple run on her phone. I was distracted by that and having a great time. I didn't notice anything else going on around me.

Not until the bell rang indicating it was time to get back to class.

I got my things ready and when I turned to start heading to the exit, it felt like I was punched. My heart dropped and I felt like I was hallucinating.

There you were, sitting at a round table across from a girl I didn't know. You were holding her hand while looking at her with bright eyes as if she was the best person in the whole world.

You never noticed me standing there, but I don't blame you. You were in love.

I found out later she was in the class below us and that you guys had a class together. I found that out from our yearbook actually.

After graduating, I should have forgotten about you. But you were always a memory that would pop up sometimes. We were never friends on social media but I would try to find you and see what information of yours was public. I know, I know it sounds stalkerish. I was never going to do anything with the information. I just wanted to know if you were happy.

Then one day I saw a public post you had that showed you had gotten married to her. High school sweethearts, now married.

I am writing this letter but I will never send it. Just wanted to write these memories out. Maybe now I can let them go.

I hope you are happy and that your dreams come true. They say things happen for a reason.

Maybe the connection I felt to you was just me mistaking kindness for more.

I don't know how to end this, so I'm just going to stop here.  This letter probably doesn't even make sense. I could go on and on about moments between us that I used to think about. I could also say how I wish I would have told you how I felt no matter your response.

Anyway, I will cherish you as a part of high school that made me happy for a bit.

Take care and live a happy life with no regrets.



Authors Note: This is my first time writing again after a couple years so I might be a bit rusty. Let me know if you are interested in Natalie's and Jack's story! I was thinking of keeping the story off wattpad but if yall are interested I will update on here :)

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