Chapter 4: If you say so

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I'm looking at my email since I was off yesterday and am surprised to see a message from Carol with the subject marked: patient request.

I open the email and read.


Whenever you get a chance room 502 says they need to talk to you. I offered to go talk with her in case of an issue, but she said it had to be you. She mentioned it is not urgent and said all is well, so I will go ahead and leave it to you since you are back tomorrow anyways. Let me know if you need any assistance. I will be gone for a couple of days but you can always send a text and I will reply when possible.

-Carol Stevens

Patient Advocate Manager

Usually patients don't request one of us specifically so it's a bit strange. They rarely remember our names after introduction. I wonder what Mrs. Greta needs. Quickly finishing reading the rest of my emails, I grab a notebook and pen and head up to room 502.

I get there in about 5 minutes and knock on her door. When I enter I see she is by herself today and is currently working on a word search.

"Good Morning! I heard you were looking for me yesterday. Is there anything I can help you with?" I put my best customer service voice and mentally prepare for any complaints she may have.

"Morning sweetie. You can help me find the word accismus. It's the last word I need to complete this page." She passes me the book and highlighter she was using.

I awkwardly put down my own notebook while holding the items she passed me. The word search title lives up to its name "Unique Words". I have no idea what more than half of these mean. After searching the letter A's, I end up finding the word which is backwards and diagonal.

"Found it! What does that word even mean?"

"It means: a form of irony in which a person feigns indifference to or pretends to refuse something he or she desires." I swear she gives me a side eye when she says it but maybe I am just seeing things. " Thank you for finding it! Usually Richard helps but he went to feed the dogs at home."

"No problem. Did you need my assistance with anything else?"

Greta looks at me up and down before giggling.

"I need to know about you and Jack. You ran out of here so fast it looked like you were a trackstar! And don't lie to me, when you left he mentioned y'all were classmates in high school. Is there history? I know I'm being nosey, but you can't blame me! I'm stuck in this room." She adds a huff at the end. "I need some gossip. He did not stay on topic last time and just wanted to talk about my heart and health condition. Blah blah blah stuff."

I take a second to process everything she just said. SHE AND JACK DISCUSSED ME. I am mortified. What did he even say? "That weirdo who ran out of here went to the same high school as me."

"There's no gossip here. Just old classmates. Actually haven't seen him since we graduated." I'm not even lying. Just omitting my embarrassing one sided crush.

"Oh, you liked him back then. I could tell. Otherwise you would not have been so shifty when he walked in. Don't deny."

Greta may be 81 years old, but she sure is observant. Probably more than me even.

"I'm not allowed to talk much about personal matters, but like I said, no gossip to talk about." I add a smile so she doesn't think I'm upset at her. I'm not, but I want to stay professional. I don't mind keeping her some company if she is bored, but there are plenty of other things we can talk about.

"Really? Okay, if you say so." She shrugs and smiles back.

I'm surprised she dropped it right away, but grateful.

Until I hear a knock at the door and see Jack walking in.

What the fuck. Is this reality? Why is this happening right now?

"Hi Mrs. Greta. Just came to check on you. Oh, hi Natalie." He smiles at us and of course looks handsome today. I am not being biased because I had a crush on him years ago. Whenever I see him (which, okay, has not been often), he always looks put together. Like an actual functioning grown up. I always personally feel like an imposter adult.

"Hi! I'm doing fine." Greta beams at him.

I give Jack a nod slash smile as well to prove I can act normal.

I verify Greta doesn't actually need anything and say my goodbyes to both of them and grab my things. No running like a track star this time. I am moving at a normal pace. Some might even say I am being calm, cool, and collected.

"Oh, Natalie! Come back!" Greta calls when I have one foot literally out the door. " This will take just one second !"

I go back in confusion and stand next to her bed.

"Jack, Natalie just mentioned how you two have not seen each other in a long time and how she wishes she could sit and talk with you to catch up. I'm sure you both are busy so since yall are both here, why not set up a time to meet!"

Calm, cool, and collected just went out the door I almost escaped from. I look at Jacks surprised face and back at Greta's excited/mischievous expression. She just made this up but it's not like I can call her out. It would be even more strange.

Only option is to play it off at this point.

"Yes, she said you told her we were classmates and I said we should catch up." I try to add a chuckle but can not muster the energy to do so.

I give Greta a pointed look which she sees but ignores and smiles even wider.

"Of course we should, My shift ends at 5 pm. Would that time work for you?" Jack asks and I wonder if he is asking just because of this awful turn of events. A pity meet up. Oh god. Last time he said we would catch up but he probably meant it as a pleasantry.

I should make up a reason why I can't.

Any silly reason will do.

I have to feed my dog.

I can't because I have to walk my neighbor's fish.

Oh, today? I can't because the day ends in y.

Instead I agree.

"Sure, I'll meet you at the cafeteria at that time."

"So nice to see old friends catching up!" Greta claps her hand together and starts humming.

This time I say my final goodbyes again and quickly walk back to my office.

What just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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