Chapter 1: No money, no prospects

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"I wonder if we are going to have a ten year anniversary reunion for high school. That would be interesting." My close friend since seventh grade mentions as she sits across from me at Starbucks.

"What for?" I murmur.

I didn't stay in touch with anyone from high school other than Lily, the one slurping down her strawberry frappuccino in front of me. Sure, I have some of them on facebook or instagram, but I haven't actually talked to them. I don't think liking a post counts.

"I don't know, to relive our glory days?"

"Hmm, those were glory days? My old photos beg to differ." I joke and take a sip of my coffee. "But at least life was simpler then I guess."

Lily sighs dramatically and falls back in her chair. " Life without kids and a nagging husband. It was truly the dream."

She says that but she really does love her two girls and "nagging husband". Lily met Henry while working at a grocery store at the same time she was going to college. They were co-workers, then friends, then a couple. Three years later they married and had Emma, who is seven, and Anna who is five.

I'm glad she's happy and that things have been working out for her. She has her dream job of being a social worker, then when she gets off work, she has a doting husband and the best behaved children I have ever met.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Henry has a friend who is single and looking to date. His name is Mark and he works in finance or something. I'll have to ask for a picture. Are you interested?" Lily questions while wiggling her eyebrows on the last part.

Unlike her, I am single right now. I've had several relationships but they never got serious enough where I could see myself marrying them or starting a family. Honestly, I am not even sure if I want children. I'm already 28 so it kind of reminds me of that famous quote from the novel Pride and Prejudice.

"I'm twenty-seven years old, I've no money and no prospects"

I mean, I have some money but no marriage prospects. Also I'm already a year older than Charlotte Lucas. Does that make my situation worse?

"Natalie! What do you think?" She interrupts my inner thoughts.

"I don't know...." I trail off. Even though I'm single, I'm not in a rush. I mean, It's 2022, not 1902. I don't have to be in a relationship. But I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind meeting someone. "I'll think about it."

"Okay, let me know. Henry usually doesn't play matchmaker, but he said he thinks yall would click."

"We'll see. I have to get to work. Te llamo después." I side hug Lily before leaving.

I think about this mystery guy all the way on my drive to the local hospital where I work as a patient advocate.

It will be good to go on a date I tell myself. As I'm walking the hospital halls, I send a quick message to Lily that yes, I would like to meet Mark. One date won't hurt. If it doesn't work out, maybe we can be friends.

Not even ten seconds later my phone lights up with notifications as I receive a response from her.

Message 1: Yay! I'll let Henry know. And don't worry, I will do my due diligence and find some more info about him.

Message 2: P.s did you see that tik tok I tagged you in?

Message 3: I'm convinced I need to adopt a corgi. It could be friends with Belle!

(Belle is my five year old chihuahua who would probably bully the dog)

Message 4: I think a good corgi name would be Toast. Thoughts?

I'm walking into the building barely containing my laughter. She's been wanting a dog for the longest time but Henry and the girls all want a different breed and can't decide. He wants to adopt a husky if he is able, while Emma wants to save a yorkie. Anna went the opposite direction and wants a kitty in the family instead.

I'm about to write her back that she needs to make a case for a corgi at her home with a powerpoint presentation when I accidentally bump into something.

Wait, someone.

I guess I can't walk and text. Better take multi-tasker off my resume.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Are you okay?"

I look up at the person I bumped into and prepare an apologetic smile but freeze when I see familiar brown eyes looking into mine.

"It's fine. I was just lost, It's- Natalie?" His face is surprised as he seems to be inspecting me closer.

I can't say anything because it seems my brain has stopped functioning and it won't form words.

What's causing me to stand here mouth gaping like a total lunatic?

All this because Jake, who I haven't seen in 10 years is standing in front of me. The one who I had a crush on in high school all four years.

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