Chapter 2: Old Friends

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Snap the fuck out of it! I internally scream.

I take a deep breath and prepare to put on an act as a normal human being. So what if I had a crush on him? That was a decade ago and he probably barely remembers me.

"Hey Jack! How are you? What are you doing here?" I say with a customer service voice I use with patients and their families. I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind but I push them back for now.

He smiles which shows his dimples that always disarmed me. He still looks the same, just a slightly more matured and handsome version. He still doesn't have his black curls in his hair. In tenth grade he cut it and it seems he never went back to his old hair style. His hair is short and professional. It looks good on him.

"I'm actually working here now. This is my first day so I'm kinda lost. I didn't know you worked here, it's great to see a familiar face!" His dark brown eyes are staring directly into mine.

Hes. Works. Here. Now.

First clue should have been his navy blue scrubs.

I hear him clear his throat and realize that I should, in fact, answer.

"Oh! It's great that you are working here, it's a great company. Where are you trying to go?" I try to smile back but it probably looks like I'm constipated or something.

"I got hired as a physician assistant for one of the cardiovascular surgeons. I'm looking for their office."

"Their offices are in the towers that way." I point to the left of the hallway we are at. "Just take that elevator. I believe cardio offices are on the sixth floor."

He nods and I notice he takes a look at my badge which is clipped on my blouse.

"Thank you. How long have you been working here?"

"About six years now." I don't want to seem awkward so I unconsciously decide to add more information that he did not ask for. " I am a patient advocate so I go around the hospital and ask patient's and their family members if everything is going well while they are here and if they have any complaints I try to resolve them."

I stop myself before I say something dumb like recite the hospital's mission statement.

"That's great! Maybe we can have a coffee sometime to catch up?" Jack looks at his apple watch and frowns. "I'm running late so I gotta go. See you around!"

He does a quick wave and goes straight to the elevators.

Well, that happened.

I shake my head and walk to my small office using the stairs to the second floor. I need to focus on my work and I will just push that whole interaction to the back of my mind for now. If I don't, I will over analyze and I will get nothing done.

"Good morning Natalie! Can you check on the newest admission from room 502 when you have time? I forgot to tell you yesterday that I assigned them to you." Carol, my manager asks as she stops at my doorway.

I give her a thumbs up and start logging into my computer to get ready for the day.

"You're the best! For lunch I think I'm going to pick up something from Chipotle. Let me know if you want anything." Carol sings the last part. She hates our cafeteria food and always forgets to bring food from home so she's the one always asking if anyone wants takeout and offers to pick it up.

I'm a sucker for Chipotle but should really stop eating outside food. Plus I could save money. I let her know I'll just eat the leftovers from my last lunch and get into work mode. I also make a mental note to tell Lily about our old high school classmate.

Once we got into high school, Lily and I never shared any classes so I never told her about my crush on Jack. One time she met him at lunch and seemed annoyed. It was when he entered his "obnoxious" phase. He suddenly seemed to care about appearances and wanting to seem cool. To be fair though, I feel like most people go through that phase.

Shrugging off old thoughts, I read a quick summary on the patient in room 502.

81 year old female admitted for heart failure symptoms. Husband has been staying bedside with wife.

I don't have access to more details yet since she was just admitted the day before so I write some quick notes on my clipboard and head that way. My focus is more making sure things are running smoothly patient experience wise.

When I reach my destination I knock on the slightly open hospital door and wait a couple of seconds before entering.

"Hello! I'm Natalie! I'm the patient advocate and wanted to see how things were going." I smile at the elder lady laying in bed knitting what seems to be a scarf. "Are you Greta?"

"Yes I am. So far so good. Just hope to hear some news soon." She sighs. "At least there are cute guys here." Greta even adds a wink as if for emphasis.

"I heard that!" An older man who is around her age comes in behind me. "You are 81, these young ones don't want you." He pouts.

"Maybe not, but you do." She smirks.

"Cause we are married. I'm locked in." Her husband pretends to be displeased but you can tell he wants to laugh.

"I'm Richard, this one's husband."

"Hi Richard, I'm Natalie. Just checking in to see how everything is and if anything was needed."

"The staff has been great attending to her. Even if she's a handful sometimes." Richard whispers the last part.

I laugh at their adorable banter as Richard gives Greta a quick kiss on her forehead before he sits on the lounge chair beside her hospital bed.

I take a quick look around and notice there are flowers in vases around the room and even some family pictures in frames. Almost gives the otherwise cold and boring hospital room a homey feel.

There's another knock on the door but I'm a little distracted by a picture sitting on the bedside table. It seems to be a photo of a younger Richard and Greta. She's in a simple long white dress posing with a big smile while Richard is looking at her almost with hearts in his eyes. The photo is like a definition of true love.

Maybe one day I'll have that.

"Natalie, don't you agree he's handsome?" Greta asks and I snap my attention to whoever must have came through the door.

I expect to see one of the many male staff nurses I know. But life is never that easy.

Instead it's Jack.


He's staring at me as he chuckles at her question. I am not going to answer the question even if I have to jump off the fifth floor window to my right. Our hospital windows don't open, but I will find a way.

"Are yall both single?" She starts up again. "Richard, wouldn't they make a cute pair?"

I die a little bit inside when she says that. Also, Jack is a married man so he must feel awkward.

Richard shakes his head and looks at both Jack and I apologetically. "She likes to play matchmaker sometimes. Ignore her."

"It's just a question." Greta shrugs innocently before coughing and clearing her throat.

I give a small laugh and smile. " Since the pa assigned to your care is here, I'm going to go ahead and go so you can talk comfortably. If you need anything, my extension is already written on the board. Don't hesitate to contact me." I give a wave and swiftly exit the room.

Once in the hallway, I realize I didn't acknowledge Jack's presence personally by saying hi again or something.

Great. Now I look unprofessional too.

Taking a moment to breathe, I remind myself that high school graduation was already ten years ago and to just treat Jack like an old friend. It doesn't help that my heart starts racing and I get this nervous feeling when I see him. Whatever, that's going to have to die.

He has his life and I have mine. If anything, we might just become friendly coworkers.

That's all.

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