Chapter Two - A Bundle of Emotions

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I finally got home in a rush, I quickly put my bike in the garage and unlocked the house door, locked the door and ran to my room. My parents were still awake, of course they were. I laid down in my bed as my heart raced fast, 'why the hell was there a clock, in the middle of the goddamn road, and then it DISAPPEARED??' I thought to myself, I was freaking out, how could I sleep? I stayed up for an hour until I finally dozed off.

I woke up to the sound of yelling and stuff being thrown, I sat up and looked around, I slowly got out of bed and opened my bedroom door slowly, mom and dad fighting again, they were throwing bottles. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT WIFE." dad screamed, mom threw glass beer bottles at him, they were both drunk. I closed my door and tugged at my hair, I put my hands on my face and slid down the door and sat down. "I already hate living in this shitty house." I whispered to myself, I felt warm tears rolling down my eyes as I heard mom and dads muffled yells outside the door in the living room. I had an idea. I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes, I grabbed my camera, a water and some snacks that I got from the store. I walked over to my window and opened it, and then I climbed out of it. I started to walk away from the house and onto the sidewalk, "where shall I go" I questioned myself. I forgot about my bike but I was already a bit too far from the house, I made my way towards a park, it was empty but the lights were on, "ok, this totally isn't creepy" I said to myself out loud. I sat down on a bench and put my bag next to me, I crossed my arms and sighed. I started to sob, "God why." I said to myself as I placed my hands on my face and rested my elbows on my thighs.

Later on my eyes were really puffy, I checked my watch, 3 AM. I heard shuffling, I quickly looked up. Maybe it's just the wind, but then I heard more shuffling, and then footsteps on the sidewalk, I turned my head and nobody was there. 'What the hell' I thought to myself, but then I turned around and saw, Gareth?? I gasped, "Holy shit Gareth." I said in a panicked voice, "Why are you out so late at night?" I asked while placing my hands on my face cause I got scared. "I could ask you the same thing." He said while grabbing my bag and sitting down next to me. "Oh you know— just uh, out for a night stroll" I said stupidly, "At 3 AM?" He asked sarcastically, "Yes. At 3 AM." I said while looking down at my shoes, he looked at me and then looked straight forward, "Ok well.. I just like taking walks at night, they're relaxing." He said calmly, I looked up at him and he turned to look at me, he raised his eyebrow, "Why are your eyes so puffy? Were you crying?—." He asked in a concerned tone. "Oh, um— just allergies.." I said trying to lie, but it was obvious I was lying, he gave me a 'Really' look, I sighed and looked at him. "My parents were- arguing, so I uh— I got my stuff and snuck out my window." I said while turning my head away from him and looking straight forward, he stared at me and then looked straight forward too, "Oh, sorry" he said calmly, there was a comfortable silence for about a minute, we listened to the wind blowing in the trees and bushes. I turned to look at him, "Hey um—." I began to talk, he turned and looked at me, "I saw something a few hours ago, something that scared me." I said while looking down, he raised his eyebrow, "this is gonna sound totally stupid but, I was riding my bike home after the game, it was super quiet as usual, absolutely nothing in the middle of the road. But then I heard a clock, so loud ringing through my ears, like if it was right in front of me. And then I looked forward and there it was, a grandfather clock in the middle of the road, ticking and ticking loudly. It wouldn't stop. But then- I heard a voice.. it echoed around me, I don't know where the hell it came from, or who it was, but they said.. "Y/N. Your time, is almost at an end." And then, the voice was gone, and I looked back to the road and the clock was just... gone, it just.. disappeared." I said nervously while looking at the ground, Gareth stared at me, I looked back up at him, I laughed quietly, "You probably think I'm crazy though.." I said while looking back at my shoes, "No— no.. not at all" he said concerned, I looked back up at him with fear in my eyes, "I don't know.. who was telling me this, or what was telling me this. But, what if, this isn't some type of joke..?" I said to him, he stared at me and then looked down at the floor, "I—I don't know.." he said quietly.

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