Chapter Four - Am I Close Enough

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I woke up quickly, I was a little sweaty. I looked around my room confused, "Wh— whaaat...?" I slurred out, I was tired. I quickly remembered what happened last night, "Oh shit oh shit" I said quietly, I got up and went to open the curtains to my window, the light quickly blinded my eyes, I winced at how bright it was. I looked at my desk and saw a note, I picked it up and began to read it.

'Hey Y/N, we took you home cause you kept falling asleep. Don't worry, I tucked you in and sang you a lullaby. Joking. I did snoop through your books though. See you later.

- Gareth the Great'

I smiled, 'sweet' I thought to myself. I looked around the room then walked up to my closet to find some clothes to put on so I could go meet Gareth and talk about the crazy shit that happened.

I was finally walking out the house fresh and new, well not really, all I did was shower, brush my teeth and change. Anyways, I took my bike and started riding to Gareths house, I finally got there and left my bike on the driveway. I walked up to the door and rang the bell, I stood there and waiting nervously. I turned around and started looking at the neighborhood, 'how long does it takeee to answer a doooorrrr' I thought to myself while tapping my foot, I didn't realize Gareth had opened the door until he tapped on my shoulder, I jolted up, "Holy shit" I said while quickly turning around, he laughed, "Sorry for scaring you, again" he said while smiling, I rolled my eyes and smiled back, "Yeah yeah" I replied, I looked at him, "Sooo, can I come in?" I asked, he moved out the way, "After you" he bowed playfully, "Why thank you" I replied jokingly.

I walked into his house, "I'll be there in a minute, my room is all the way down the hall" he said while turning around to do something, I nodded even though he didn't see. I started to make my way down the hall, I glanced at the bathroom and remembered what happened yesterday, my face got a bit warm but I shook my head and continued walking down the hallway into his room. I looked around and smiled, wooden floors and dark red walls with posters everywhere, his bed was in top left corner of the room, to the right of the bed there was a dresser with cologne and a bunch of papers and stickers all over it and a mirror above the dresser. I looked at the posters, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Thing, Star Wars, and so much more. There was two gray bean bags at the end of his bed and a bunch of random shirts everywhere, he also had a TV in front of the bean bags.

I stood and looked around, I heard Gareth walking down the hall, I turned around and he walked into the room, "I'm back" he said, he looked around and his cheeks got a little red, "Sorry for the mess" he said embarrassed while quickly going to pick up the shirts, "It's okay" I replied and smiled, he shoved all the shirts into his closet and sighed, he turned to me. "You can sit down" he said to me while motioning for me to sit down on one of the bean bags, I nodded and walked over to one and sat down, he sat down in the one next to mine. I sighed, he looked at me. "Everything, that Eddie talked about last night.. I just— what the hell.." I didn't know what to say, Gareth turned back to the TV that wasn't on, "I know, but I believe him though" He replied while turning back to me, I looked at him and we both just stared at each other. I looked at the floor, "Can I— sleep over this time?" I asked quietly, Gareth continued to look at me and smile, "Sure— I'm fine with that" he said happily, I looked up at him and smiled.

"So what shall we do" he said while clapping his hands together and rubbing them up and down happily, I looked at him and shrugged, "Do you have board games?" I asked, he shook his head, "You got a diary?" I asked while quickly getting up and opening his dresser, he walked over and smiled, "Nope, never gonna find anything in here" he said slyly, I looked at him "You sure?" I said while smirking and looking back down, there was a folded up piece of paper tucked into a corner, I grabbed it quickly, "Aha!" I said loudly, he looked at it and smiled, I opened it and it was just a drawing of a dog, "Loser" he said jokingly, I elbowed him and he just laughed. I closed the drawer and looked around the room, "Hmm". I turned to his bed and grabbed a pillow, "Oh my god we could be those typical pillow fight girls" I said jokingly while proceeding to hit him, he put his arms up to defend himself and quickly grabbed a pillow and started hitting me back, I laughed and ran around the room, "You'll never get me" I said jokingly, "Oh really?" He replied while smiling devilishly and running up to me with the pillow, "Oh shit!—." I yelled out as he hit me with the pillow, I pretended to spin around and fall, "Oh nooo!" I said sarcastically, we both laughed. I got back up and started hitting him with the pillow again, he hit me back then grabbed me and softly tossed me onto his bed, "Aha—." He replied but then tripped over his shoe and fell on top of me, but he caught himself by putting his left arm on the left side of my head and his right arm on the right side of my head, my eyes widened and I watched as he slowly opened his eyes cause he thought he hurt me by accident. We stared at each other in the eyes, my face got warm. He was looking at my eyes then down at my lips again, he shook his head and cleared his throat, "sorry" he said quietly while getting off of me and sitting down on the bed, I sat up in surprise. We sat in silence for a minute.

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