Chapter Three - Wandering

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Hey guys, the part in the family video store I copied from my Eddie fanfic and edited it a bit cause I'm too lazy to write it out again, sorry lol

Gareth and me were walking back to my house after everything that just happened. "So, I feel like we should warn Dustin" I said to him in a concerned tone, he turned his head towards me, "True" he replied. I sighed and looked around, we weren't home yet.

We were finally in my neighborhood, nothing weird was going on until I saw Dustin and some girl running out his house, "Hey Dustin!" I called out, me and Gareth stopped to look at them, Dustin turned and saw us and ran up to us, "Y/N. Lots to explain, on an important mission." Dustin replied, "Oh— what's going on?" I asked, Gareth raised his eyebrow. "Short explanation, Chrissy was murdered and the police thinks Eddie did it but they haven't said his name on television yet." The girl next to Dustin said, I stared at them shocked, I turned my head at Gareth and his mouth was a little opened in surprise, I turned back to them, "Who's Chrissy?" I asked, "A cheerleader dating that asshole Jason Carver" Dustin replied, "Also, this is Max". I turned to her, "Oh, hi— I just moved here" I said awkwardly, "Cool" she replied. "So yeah we're gonna go— but uhh, do y'all wanna come with?—" Dustin asked. Me and Gareth looked at each other and then back at them, "Yes" we said at the same time.

We arrived at this place called Family Video Store, we all threw our bikes on the ground and walked in. A girl and a guy were at the counter looking at the TV, I assume they're Robin and Steve.

"Hey Steve" Dustin said as they walked up to the
counter, "You see this?" Steve asked while pointing
to the TV, Robin turned to look at them- "How many
phones do you have?" Dustin asked, "Someone was murdered" Steve said sternly, "How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked again but rudely this time. "Two. Why?" Steve asked, Robin looked at Steve then back at them, "Technically three, if you count Keith's" Robin said, "Yeah, three works" max said while looking at Dustin.

Dustin started to take off his backpack, "What are
you doing?" Steve asked as he rested his arm on the
counter. Dustin threw his backpack on the counter
and slide it to the other side while knocking off
Robins pile of stuff, "My pile!" Robin exclaimed,
"No, no, no! My tapes! Dude." Steve said as Dustin
jumped over the counter to their side and knocking
all the tapes off the counter. "What are you doing,
man!" Steve aruged while going up to Dustin,
Robin started picking up everything off the ground.

"Setting up base of operations here" Dustin replied,
"Base of operations?" Steve and Robin said at the
same time, "Get off" Steve said, "I need it" Dustin
replied as he typed on the computer, "Need it for
what?" Steve argued, "Eddie's friends phone numbers" Dustin replied, "Oh Eddie, your new best
friend you think is cooler than me because he plays
your nerdy game?" Steve continued to argue. Me and Gareth just walked up to the counter awkwardly and watched, "I think we should attend to the customers" Robin said to Steve, Steve turned to us and started to walk over, "Do y'all need any movie suggestions?" He asked in a stressed tone, "Oh no— uh, we're with them" I said awkwardly, Gareth nodded. Steve looked at me, "Are you new?" He asked, "Yeah" I replied, he nodded and went back to arguing with Dustin, me and Gareth looked at each other and then went to look at all the movies.

I picked up one, "Nightmare on Elm Street?" I said, I turned to look at Gareth and he looked at me and smiled, "Oh you're gonna piss your pants if you watch that one", I laughed, "Yeah right" I replied, "Get it so we can watch it" Gareth said while walking up to me and holding a VHS box, "The Terminator! I love that movie" I said happily while grabbing it, I looked up at him, "Let's get this one too" I said while smiling, he chuckled.

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