Chapter 2: zootopia conflict.

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General Gideon- Chief Bogo you need to understand if we don't start getting people out of the city i'm afferiad they might die. Chief Bogo- I have officer's working on it but it will take time. General Gideon- Time is not something we have. If the TAN get a chance they will use ODST if they get in the city it will be hard to stop them all. Captian Claw- Sir the TAN have destroyed the defence system and we have landing craft on radar. Sir should i get the men ready. General Gideon- yes. Chief Bogo tell your officer's to hurry up. the city is getting ready to be attacked. Chief Bogo- we will do are best. General Gideon- Captian sound off the airraid alarms have all AA guns ready to fire. Captain Claw- yes Sir.

As the alarms went off at the USKA air base in zootopia fighter pilots and aa gunners where running to their post. the battle had started.

Control Tower- Red alart TAN Emiperail landing craft have been spotted. All units get to your post now.

AA crew- look enemy fighters. bring them down.
as the flack guns started firing jets where still on the ground and some of them had been cought on the ground by bombers but the aircraft carrier wilde was launching it's jets for combat. The USKA 5th fleet that was stationed at zootopia had a total of 30 destroyers, 10 battleships, and 1 aircraft carreir.
the fleet could only do so much to the invading TAN forces who had new ship types.

Captain claw- let's move. come on keep moving. let's go come on. Gerenal I will take 1st platoon and head to the city center. General Gideon- alright good luck captian. Captian Claw- you too sir. General Gideon- Fireteam Raven. LT Fisher- yes sir. General Gideon meet me in the war room. LT Fisher- yes sir.
Alright guys let go the General want us in the war room. As fireteam raven headed to the war room. Captian Claw and hi men where in combat with TAN ODST's.
Captian Claw- keep firing. private- get down. Sir we need to take out that tank before it kills us. Captian claw- Mike take 3 men and get behind that tank.
SGT Mike- yes sir.  you 3 let go.

as SGT MIke took a team to get behind that tank and kill it

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as SGT MIke took a team to get behind that tank and kill it. Captian Claw and the rest of 1st platoon was trying protect civilians who had bee trapped in their house when the ODST's landed. 
As the battle raged on in the streetss of Zootopia the USKA military force's there where trying the evecuwait everyone they could. but that wouldn't stop the TAN Emiper from killing thousand of people.

Meanwhile on Earth the USKA Military force's of the 1, 2, and 3 fleets where getting ready for to leave for Planet 125. In hope to stop the TAN Emiper from taking control of the planet but they would have to wait as a new objective had come to mind. it would be a while before the USKA force's from Earth could help Zootopia.

Alpha- Alright men I know we where all hoping our fight was over but as of now TAN Emperial force's have landed on Zootopia but before we go help them we have another mission to do so get ready becuase we leave in 3 hour's.

AS the USKA got ready to leave earth. Alpha told General Everest what was going on and that she needed to watch for the TAN Emiper why he was gone. 
So as the dawn started a new war had started with the USKA now scatterd and Zootopia under attack by the TAN it was time for the USKA to fight onec'e again. For liberty, Justice and freedom.

Time skip. 4 weeks later.
4 weeks have passed since that TAN Emiper attacked Zootopia most of the USKA military force's on the planet have been destroyed
and now the city is in ruins by heavy bombing by Tan artiliray.
But at the same time USKA force's on avalor have been fighting the TAN in a none stop battle for the planet.
As the USKA try and fight  the TAN they are lossong men. so to even up the score the USKA asked for help from Commander Ahsoka Tano.

Spartan1179 note.

Now i know what your thinkong why is a star wars charcter like Ahsoka Tano doing in this story. If you keep reading you will find out later in the story line. but for now lets get back to the story.
With the 501 Clone division she could help even up the fighting against the TAN Emiper. the 501 was sent to Avalor to help with the TAN there.

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