Chapter 4: the battle of zootopia

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Data: December 5/ 2021 ( I really can't remember what the data was of the attack but i know it was in December )
Time: 6:30AM 18:30 Military time.

on board the USKA Infinity.
Alpha- Kelly are your men ready. General Kelly- Yes sir. as soon as we come out of slipspace we will make for the surface. Alpha- good, let's hope we are into though.
On Zootopia

Soldier- fire. Boom! mortar, and other small artiliry shell the tan postions as the zootopian USKA force's try and hold off the tan attack. Low on ammo and other resources they put up a hard fight.

LT Claw- General Gideon Tan Imperial force's are massing for a counter attack. General Gideon looked over at the lieutenant before putting on his helmet and walking out of his tent. As he wlaked out the sound of gun fire was all around. soldiers were running all over as they got ready for the tan counter attack.
SGT Jorden- General the Tan are lining up troops, tanks and mechs. i've got men ready in the trenchs to fight. General Gideon- good job SGT, LT Claw.
LT Claw- Yes Sir? General Gideon- have morters ready and get some AT guns ready. LT Claw- Yes sir.

BY the time Gideon had given his order he was at the trenchs. he took a pair of binoculars and looked at the tan attack force getting ready to head their way. General Gideon- Men this is are last stand today we hold our ground and fight the tan. if we are going to die we are going to die here.
Soldier's- hoorah! every soldiers in the trench cheered as Gideon finished his sentance. General Gideon- here they come. hold your fire, not yet, wait for it wait. the tan troops were only 50 yards away from the trench. Fire!

Machine guns, motar, AT gun fired at the tan troops as they ran towards the trench. Even having killed over 100 tan soldiers before they even got close wasn't enough to keep them out of the trench's.
General Gideon- fallback, fallback!
LT Claw- the front trench has fallen get ready! Soldier- here they come!!
LT Claw and General Gideon fired at the tan soldiers as they tried to fire at them both gideon and Claw turned and shot a radio operator who was runing at them. the operator fell into the trench next to Claw and Gideon. the 2 looked at the radio and heard what the tan commanders were asking.
Tan Captian- i need a orbital bombarment of the USKA postions over. TAN ship captian- roger that stand by, wait, What! it can't be, no no no, incoming!
Claw and Gideon both looked at each other then looked up to see a sight they would never forget.

Meanwhile in bunny burrows.
Time: 8:30 AM 20:30 Military time.

Ever since the TAN Emiper attacked Zootopia Judy had went back to bunny burrows to stay with her family and of course Nick was allowed to stay as well.
He helped with what he could since he had nothing better to do. Everyone seemed happy. even thought there was a battle for the City of Zootopia.
But on this morning nick was sleeping in. however judy had other plans. Nock, Nock. Judy- Nick get up. Nick- 5 more minutes. JUdy- if you don't get up you won't get any breakfest. before judy could turn and walk away Nick room door flow open. Nick- I'm up. Judy and nick made there way to the kitchen table where every thing was set. Bonnie- good moring Nick. Nick- Good morning miss hopes. Bonnie- Nick you can call me Bonnie. Nick- I know. everyone had sat down and had started eating. Stu- Nick i'm going to need your help today in to field. Nick- okay. Stu- we've got to get those crops in before wednesday.
Everyone was talking. nick had reached for his fork when it started to shack then everything started to shack in the burrow. stu- what is going on. Nick, Judy, and stu ran out side. Nick bing the last out side gasped at the sight before him.

Judy- what! Stu- what is going on? Nick looked at the lead thank seeing the commander nick wanted to know what was going on. Nick- hey, what going on? tank comander chloe- the USKA is luanching a massive attack agianst the TAN Force's at zootopia the, 1, 2, 3, and 5 fleets hav arived. and a alliy of the USKA is also helpen. today we retake Zootopia.
The convoy just kept going.
Judy- well nick what's going on. Nick- the USKA is retaking zootopia. Alpha's fleet and 3 other fleets of the USKA are here along with a Ally of the USKA.

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