The feeling of a lifetime! (Chapter 7)

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It was saturday night! Usually we would be out with our friends at 51, but tonight we decided to stay in. This was the first night in forever that we actually were able to have time to ourself. Most of the time, we would be working, or we would be at Molly's. I didn't like to work at Molly's too much since I was pregnant. I was tired more since I became pregnant, and I knew everyone understood. It was nice to just have our alone time.

We just lied in bed and were just talking. I smiled " this is great! I don't remember the last time we just spent a Saturday in..." Casey smiled at me "yeah it is nice.. we should have more time home." I smiled " were not going to have much time before it won't just be us." Casey laughed " we have time! Let's just enjoy this. This pregnancy will fly by." I smiled " I know..." I looked at him and rubbed my belly " oooh..." He looked at me with this concerned look " you.. okay... what's wrong?" I smiled to let him no i'm okay " i'm fine, i'm just so hungry." He got up " what do you want..." I laughed " ice cream... the good kind." He went to get my ice-cream and then gave me it in the pint container. I smiled " oh yes and its in the pint and all..." He laughed " the best for my favorite lady.." I laughed " how many ladies... do you have." He smirked " your my favorite." I loved his jokes and just loved how we can have these jokes together. I wouldn't ever want to spend a day apart from him.

We both went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked at the clock, and it read 3:17 am. I felt my stomach and all I could feel is kicking. I knew what it was, but I just started reacting almost like I didn't. I smiled and squeezed " ahhh, oh my." Casey immediately woke up and turned on the light " what's wrong..?" I smiled " it's okay... the babies is kicking." I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. Matt smiled " oh my." I started to tear up " hi babies, this is momma." We fell back asleep.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I really want to progress her pregnetcy a little bit.

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