How will we do this! ( Chapter 97)

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I am very happy. I love my family and feel so thankful for anything. Having twins was honestly a miracle. Who would have though that would happen to us. I didn't expect it. Then came our son Andy. He brought our family together even more. I'm thankful for all of that. I've always felt that having a big family is special. It is very important to me. I just love having family around. We also can't forget about our friends, and our family at 51. They are all really family. We love them just like our family. That's what I love about us though. Our family doesn't stop with blood. We accept everyone and the them in like family. It's just who we are. 

I'm only 15 weeks pregnant. It's still very early and I wanted everything to just stay safe. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was just sitting in the living room playing with the kids. I was thinking about how things used to be, before all of this. My life has changed and I love it more! Matt walked into the living room " What are we doing..?" I smiled " I think it's nap time.." Matt smiled " I got it! come on Shay.. Maria! and... I'll take this little guy too!" Matt really did take over the house sometimes. He is just such a help. He isn't one of those dad's that just sticks to the fun stuff. He is help towards everything. I love him for that. He came back down stairs. He sat down on the couch behind me. I leaned my body against his. He adjusted his hand around my back, and slightly massaged it. He laughed " tough day.." I looked at him " no... just thinking.." He put his hand on my leg as I repositioned, " What's going on..?" I looked at him " I don't want to tell anyone about this baby... I just don't know if.. I'm ready." Matt grasped my hand, " We don't have to... this is our family.." 

Thanks for reading!

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