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Daisy POV ( Daya and Jasmine's mother )

" Let's go ", i told daya

" Wait mom my stomach hurts and im dizz- ", daya said as she fall on the floor

" Oh my god Daya , Jasmine ,Bosco help !", I shouted

" Oh my god what happened ", Jasmine ask

" Stop asking call your dad , we cant carry her "i said I hope she's okay and also her baby , but i saw blood in her private area

" Oh my god ", i said as begin to panic Then husband arrived

" Oh my god daya , ready the car I'll carry her ", Jessie said as i give jasmine the keys and Jessie carry her And drive us in the hospital

Bosco POV

I don't know what is happening to daya i know she been feeling bad lately but i didn't know its this serious

" I think you both needs to know ", daisy said

" About what mom what is happening with daya ", jasmine said as she cried

" Daya's pregnant ", daisy said as i froze

" What ?, Mom why didn't you tell us , or just one of us ", jasmine said

" She's going to be mad at me that i said it , but she didn't want y'all to know it ", daisy said

"I- ii don't know what to say , is she okay ?", I ask

" I don't know " daisy said as the doctor arrived

" Daisy , daya is fine but unfortunately , she lost her baby ", the doctor said as we all doesn't know what to say , what if daya finds out oh my god

" Can we see her ?", I immediately ask

" Yes you can follow me ", the doctor said as we walk in , daya is asleep

" My poor baby lost her baby ", daisy said as she sat next to Daya's bed

" Daya ", jasmine walk in last and she hug daya in her side

" Careful Jassie ", Jes said

" Honey she'll understand , don't worry ", Jes said to his wife

" I know but , it hurts to think about , i can feel that she wanted to keep it and now she lost it ", daisy said as she cried again

" Girls can you be willing to wait tell daya wake up , we will leave so i can calm her down", jessie said as they left

" Why did daya hide it ?", Jasmine ask me

" I don't know exactly but , i will be waiting for her to say it her self , i don't think she wants us to know for her comfort ", i said as i went by Daya's side

Few hours later daya finally woke up

Daya POV

I woke up in bed but i know its not my bed and i feel a pain in my stomach , then i saw

" Bosco ?", I managed to say

"Daya , im glad you're okay ", she said as she hugged me

" Ouch babe my stomach hurts ", i said to her as she woke jasmine up and she left the room to call a doctor

" Daya ", jasmine said

"Hey Jassie , im sorry i made y'all worried again ", i said to her

" No its fine ", she said as the doctor came

" Hi , she said you feel a pain in your stomach , the anesthesia might have worn off and im sorry to say miss betty but you've lost your baby ", the doctor said as my whole world crushed , i want to keep it but why as the doctor said that i cried

" I'll give you some times to process it your self", the doctor said as she left

" I-im sorry , I'm sorry I'm sorry ", i said to them both i cant even look at my sister's either my girlfriend

" Daya , its fine don't be sorry im sure nobody would like that ", Bosco said

" Your not , mad im sorry i hide it im sorry i didn't get to keep it ", i said as they both carefully hug me

" I need to tell Kiel ", i said as Jasmine stopped hugging me and hand me my phone

" Okay , is he the father ?", Bosco ask

" Mmm yes , please don't get mad i contact him cause ge needs to know ", i said to Bosco

" That's okay he has a rights ", Bosco said as i contact Kiel

" Hi princess ", he said

"Don't call me that ", i said yo him

" Im sorry , any updates about the baby ?", He ask As i cry again

" Keil i -i m so sorry I've lost the baby ", i said as i sob to my girlfriends chest as she rub my back to calm me down

" What?, Daya what have you done ?, Do really don't want to have it ?", He said with an angry tone ,Then Bosco took over my phone

" First of all my girlfriend want the baby , Second you have no reason to be angry ad fuck cause your not even here with her even your the father , and lastly don't talk to her ever again !", Bosco said as she hang up the phone

" Im so sorry for that babe don't worry he wouldn't bother us anymore , and please don't contact him again ", Bosco said as she hugged me and i saw jasmine

" Come join Jassie ", I said as she joined

One month later ......

Daya is realizing a new song , and next year an album that she's currently recording

Jasmine POV

" Mom when does Daya gets back i miss her so much and i can't wait for her new song", i told mom as she laughed

" What's funny ?", I ask , im standing in the hallway Infront of the door when i looked back i saw daya and Bosco

" Daya !", I've missed you , I said as hugged her

" I can tell ", she said as she smiled

" Hi daya congratulations honey for your 2nd song ", mom said as she hug daya

"Thanks mom , by the way Bosco is staying ", Daya said as they both walk to Daya's room

Ps. Like l said before i haven't finished this yet but i assure you this is longer than everything I've written, thank you for the support

Love Violet 💜

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