a little vacation

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Jasmine POV

Daya called me and she said Bosco and her wants me to come with them to Seattle to Bosco's mom and mom agree so here i am with them in the airport with them

" Bosco is your mom okay if we stay in for a couple days in your house?", I ask Bosco

" Of course but we might need to be all in the same bed , don't worry i have a big bed ", Bosco said

" You two better not do anything together then ", i said

" We can't promise you that , we might add you in ", Daya said as i gagged

" Yuck ",i said immediately as i heard what my sister said

" Daya don't be rude ", Bosco said

" What ? , Im sure she'll love it ", Daya said as she attempt to kiss me but she's stopped by Bosco thank God

" Hey where here !", Bosco said as the car stop in front of her house

" Coco!", The lady in the door said , that's a cute nickname

" Mom !, I missed you and Jack of course ", Bosco said as they hug each other

" Mom this is my girlfriend and this is her sister that is my classmate", Bosco introduce me and my sister

" Hi I'm Daya , Boscos girlfriend ", Daya said as they hand shake

" Hi im Jasmine ", i said

" Come in , and Bosco you better put away your stuff animals away of your bed ", Boscos mom said as Daya laugh

" That explains the pile of stuff animals in my apartment ", Daya said

" Go take a rest you have a long flight , I'll wake you guys up for dinner later ", Boscos mom said

And we all got upstairs

Jasmine POV

Her mom didn't lie about the stuff animals its almost half the bed

" Sorry my babies but i really need too", Bosco said as she put her stuff animals in a box

" She really likes horse stuff animals don't she ", i whisper to my sister as we both unpack

" She does , and if i were you don't ever take that one she calls Jack out of her while sleeping or she will be a monster ", Daya  said as i nod

" You guys okay sorry for this", Bosco said

"Don't worry baby , its fine right baby jas ", Daya said and she ask me

" Its fine ", i said as Daya steal a little kiss in Bosco's lips

" Don't be so disrespectful to your sister she's literally in front of us ", Bosco said as i look away and Daya took my hands

" Jas please don't be mad ", Daya ask

" Im fine with it , i need to go to the bathroom ", i said as i left , im jealous Daya used to do that to me

Daya POV

" What have you done ?", Bosco said

" What ? I just kissed you , she seems a little moody ", i said as i lay on Boscos bed

" What do we do to cheer her up ?", Bosco ask me

" I'll do it later , call her i want to meet your pet Jack the real one ", i as i kiss her head

" Hey don't let my stuffy hear that ", Bosco said as she hug her stuff animal Jack

" I'll be downstairs", i said as i left

Bosco POV

I opened the bathroom and saw Jasmine crying

" Hey jas why are you crying sorry about your sister ", i said as i hug her and she hide her head under my chin

" Im fine ", jasmine said trying to convince her self and i stand up to close the door

" Wait where are you going ?", Jasmine said as she wipe her tears away

" Just going to close the door ", i said as i close it and went back to her

" Jas i know this is stupid and kinda cheating with your sister but if you want you can kiss me too just don't let daya know about it and don't let her see okay ", i offered

" Okay thank you ", she said as she kissed me , she has a soft lips like her sister and the taste of her cherry chapstick is captured by my own And then i pulled away

" Daya is downstairs she wants to go see my horse , clean up your face ", i said

" Thank you Bosco , go down im going after you ", she said she seems happy know

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