we won

16 1 0

Bosco POV

Daya hold on me so tight and jas did it to Daya too

" Coco!, There's a fence", jasmine said

As we were riding Orion and Jorgeous couldn't go faster than us , and ad we were closer to the fence Jack jump and stop

"We won !", I said

"Yeah yeah ", jorgeous said  as they stopped as well

"Well Jack is the fastest as always ", Orion said

Days have passed

Daya POV

The album is doing great and now i need to go back to home  to surprise Bosco for our 1 year celebration for  our relationship

Calling Baby Jas ❤️......

"Hi Daya !", Jasmine said

"Jas i need a favor ", i said

"Okay what is it ?", Jasmine ask

"I need you to make sure Bosco is at home when i arrive im in the airport now", i said

" Oh she is helping me and mom now so right timing", jasmine said , thankfully she was there already

"Okay I'll be there soon make sure she's the one who open the door okay", i said and jasmine agree

Ps. Im kinda lost about this story im sorry I'll be updating more of this story soon...

Our Love That Last...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin