im happy but why

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Daya POV

Bosco has fallen asleep on the way home so i just carry her

" Oh she's so cute ", my manager said as i put her in may managers car she always drive me back to my apartment

" She really is but  she's a monster if i take her favorite stuff animal away in the morning ", i said as a response

"Look we're here good night", my manager said she is so kind

I managed to go in our apartment without dropping her good thing we have a key card door

Once i put her down she woke up " Daya?", She said

" Oh baby im here just changing , I'll change your clothes for you as i finish don't worry", i said as she snuggle her stuff animal

" I want to visit mom and my pet~", Bosco said as i pull her pants away to change her clothes to something more comfortable

" You want to visit Jeffrey , we can do that , in still working on the album we can do a little vacation ", i said as i Dress her with one of my band shirt that's looks like a dress to her

"Really !", She said as she seems so excited she stand up

"Yes baby anything for you ", i said as i lay in the bed and she did too

" Love you Daya , i can't wait , oh you can finally meet my mom", she said

" Oh yes i like that , can i cuddle you baby im so tired ", i said as i yawn

"Yes please !", She said as she face me and put her head in my chest

Im still thinking about the call i got ,

Kiel :daya im so sorry where are you im driving (then i heard some people taking behind him ) here take more kiel , (i bet that's one of his friends )
im on my work bye , i said

A tear stream in my cheek and i wipe it away

"Im already happy but why fo i feel this way", i said to my self

Ps. I'm so sorry i will be back at writing like before , i can't keep up on 1000+ words so sorry 😔

-violet 💜

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