World Building

86 5 7

SCP foundation world - detective void

(Europe is easy to navigate through and has many cultural differences between countries. It will not be bound to Germany only)

Might be visited at some point:

Beginning city:
Berlin,  in front of the memorial for the assassinated Jewish of Europe near the door of Brandenburg

elements in the city needed for the story:

Christopher's restaurant (devil wrap)

Principal character imperfection:
-unsociable hunger
-slowly losing humanity if it gets too cold (werewolf and wendigo inspired)
-easily conflicted
-too gay for fat men
-double personality
-always a lone wolf

other characters:

Bruno, Christopher's restaurant manager, also Christopher's lover:

A big Italian man who used to be in the mafia, his hair is pure white, is very strong.

one specific foundation FTM under the code name of Alpha 9(which I want to call Robert)

Early morning staff of devil wrap:
-mathilda: like to jokingly tease
-jacob: kind hearted
-geoff: workaholic

Main challenge:
Escape/stay away from the SCP foundation

Secondary challenges:

-Loses control at some point in winter and has to fight himself to not go rampaging

-gets caught at some point and has to escape

-gets overwhelmed by some anomalies and has to retake control

-has to protect his lover

Story recap:(suggestions open)

Option 1 for beginning:
Begins at his restaurant, an anomalous client comes to order an assassination of an SCP foundation agent. Which he accepts.

1vote(path chosen)

branch one: the client lied about the real reason for the operation:

-next part option 1.1:

the client is an instance of SCP-3994 and the SCP foundation agent to kill is an agent of the red right-hand hand MTF formation. the agent is posted at the hospital where SCP-3434 instances are taken care of.

Vote 1(path chosen)

-next part 1.1.1

Voidless gets heavily wounded by a landmine. He still manages to escape, bandaging himself up at the restaurant.

While on their side the MTFs noticed the blood left behind due to the explosion and take a sample.

(path chosen)

-next part 1.1.2

A loud flashgrenade was throwned at Voidless, blinding and deafening him for awhile. But he still ranned, hurted himself on some branches. He managed to run far enough and hide for the night.

-next part 1.1.3

He dies the end



European salad (tomato, cucumber, onion, bell pepper, lemon, olive oil, parsley)

Main course

chicken cutlet with honey curry sauce

chicken nuggets with fries

Pasta gratin

Lieu noir filet with rice





-exotic fruit

-jelly (chocolate-strawberry or chocolate-mint)


-white lady (3 vanilla balls, melted chocolate, chestnut paste, Russian cigar)

-banana split (1 ball of vanilla, 1 ball of chocolate, 1 ball of strawberry and a banana)

-milk heaven (2 balls of ice-cream in a cup of milk)


apple cider (soft or hard)


jack daniel

BOURNAC red wine

M.CHAPOUTIER white wine

Daïkiri (rhum+icecream)

non-alcoholic drinks


coca cola

monster energy (regular or zero suga or mule or mixxd punch or pipeline punch or ultra paradise or pacific punch or monarch or mango loco or...) -note: i want to put the 20 monster flavors i have in my can collection, should i?-



-next part option 1.2:

the client is an anomalous member of the GOC who wants the assassination of an SCP site director. they wish to create chaos on the site and weaken it for a raid.

branch two: the client didn't lie:

-next part option 1.1:

the assassination slows down the capture and gives the client the time to get better protection and starts a new contract with VOIDLESS.

-next part option 1.2:

the assassination accelerated the capture of the client, during the raid they discover that the assassination was ordered by the client and they get a small and suspicious clue on the existence of voidless.

Option 2 for beginning:

Is in the middle of an anomaly hunt, brutally murdering the anomalie(s).
The SCP foundation comes in and almost catches a glimpse of Voidless and he escapes unnoticed.


-next part option 2.1:

the foundation gets extremely suspicious of the fact that the anomalies were all killed before they arrived. They inspect the corpses as VOIDLESS is getting to a hiker shed that is further deep in the forest and hurriedly shower off the blood on his body left by the anomalies.

Option 3.1 for beginning:
Is spying on the GOC hunting down an anomaly in the vicinity of berlin. He feels a craving for flesh and finishes his missions in discomfort. As he was leaving he was spotted by a single agent and before he could ask for help, voidless loses control and eats him.

option 3.2 for beginning:

is spying on GOC hunting down an anomaly in a forest near Berlin. for the majority of the mission, he feels fine but has to cut short the spying because of hunger. as he left someone caught a glimpse of him and warns the others.

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