Assassination In Site 06-03 (chapter 1)

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Last chapter was about how working days were.
This chapter is the mission!


The night of the operation arrived, everything was ready. Voidless was waiting in trees, looking for a sneaky entrance.

The place was Sites-06-3, located in France, in the region Lorraine near the border with Germany.

The target is supposed to be on the hospital part of the facility and that was where Voidless was searching an entrance.
Soon he found a wall he could climb easily, but before going he listened carefully. It seemed no one was behind it and he quickly got in and hide.

The foundation was developing a chemical and testing it on scp-3434 instances. And A-4, the target, was tasked to oversee the transfer of the chemicals to another site.

According to the client, A-4 is the overseer of his capture too.

Voidless soon came across a dead end, the foundation was a maze and so many place were cut off by level clearance. but fortunately a level 3 clearence researcher pasted by alone. The intruder took no hesitation to knock out the poor fella, steal his badge and hide him in a closet.

There was so many things at his hands he could steal or just let out to make a distraction but not now.

As he avvanced more, he managed to steal a level 4 badge that had been left on a desk.
Soon he arrived where A-4 was.
He stalked them until they were left alone in a break room. Unfortunately there was only one entry and exit as well as he almost got caught multiple times already.

He needed to end it fast, so he went in and tried to sneak kill when A-4 had his back turned to refill his coffee.
But then Voidless jumped as hot coffee hit his mask and leeks into his eyes. He was stunned for only half a second as A-4 had his gun aimed at him.
He moved out of the way as bullets hit the floor alerting others there was an intruder. The alarms glared and Voidless, feeling adreline filing his blood attacked A-4 right leg, breaking it making the poor MTF fall to his knees.

Before A-4 could shoot again, Voidless decapitated him.

He didn't have a time to catch his breath as footsteps were approaching rapidly. Voidless ran as fast as he could on 4 legs (he is faster like that) to the nearest exit.

Guns shouted behind him, almost hitting him multiple times. He passed next to the scp-3434 Chambers, many cries and screams came from there as the gunshot scared the poor instances.

Voidless was now outside almost out of the site before he was stopped by an armed véhicule cutting his way. The intruder jumped on top of it as if it was nothing and ran into the forest.

The guards and mtfs still chasing after him and...


Hears ranged

Then silence ruled

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