Berlin Business(chapter 1)

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I needed to write something

It was already 5:30 a.m and the road outside the small bedroom had already many cars passing by.
Christopher looked tiredly at his phone. He grunted as the phone rang it's morning alarm.

"Bunny bunny you're so funny- click" as soon as the alarm turned off he got up. As every morning he had a slight trouble with balance and almost tripped on the stairs.

His apartment was directly connected to the Devil Wrap and he could already hear the morning employees arrive. Those ensure the opening at 7 am, at this time the restaurant is open as a café until 10:30 am.

Christopher stumbled to a small fridge in the living room and looked into it. He chukkled when he saw he left his white mask in it.
"yeah yeah very funny" a voice said.

"sorry kitsu, guess I was really tired yesterday night" he said as he pulled the mask out as well as his breakfast and a can of energy drink.

"psssh pop" Christopher smiled as the smell of fruits filled the air from the can. He took his breakfast slowly, he wasn't a big eater in the morning. but when he was done he grabbed the energy drink can and went to the restaurant after having clothed himself in a black business suit.

"morning everyone" Christopher greeted his employees.

"wow! New record! 10 less minutes than usual, nice"  said a young lady with brown hair. The two other employees present giggled.

"yeah I know. No need to point it out,  Mathilda"  he replied with a smirk.

"still drinking that stuff boss? You should really get to coffee instead" said a short curly haired muscular man, on his uniform was the nametag Jacob.

"you know I start attacking people when I drink coffee" the boss replied as he looked around. "by the way Goeff, you sure you wanna work today? Your injury still seems to not have fully healed."

The morning cook looked up from behind the counter as he was focused on work since the first costumers had already arrived.
"oh I'm good, the bandage is just to prevent any reopening. Otherwise it's already closed and I really want to work" he said before immediately going back to work. His boss nodded.

"I'll be in my office doing paperwork then, if you need me: knock three times on the door" Christopher said as he want up the staircase to the second floor and directly to his office.
The man seemed to almost never leave his office but in reality, there was a passage way hidden in that office. It was connected to another part of the building which was an underground casino. Only special guests were allowed there and Christopher loved to watch over the little casino.

Though today, he really had paperwork to do. One of his previous supplier closed and he was in the middle of negotiating a new contract with a new one.

The time past fast as he read the offer sent by the new supplier and preparing his side of the negotiations.
He was interested not only in buying the same stock as he was buying to the previous supplier but also new products. The sea fruits seemed very interesting in prices but he had to make sure of the quality before buying any.
And before he realised the clock hit 10 a.m.

The team of employees partially changed, Geoff worked until 4 pm but the two other only worked from 5:40 a.m to 9:40 a.m and from 6pm to 10pm.
The 10 a.m team was much bigger than the earlier one as there was 5 cook (one is the kitchen chef) and 6 waiters.

The cooks were preparing many types of food before the big rush of customers like the croissants and pies. While the waiters made sure that everything was clean while serving the few early client.

Christopher got out of his office to great the new team. It was important for him to always welcome his employees with a warm smile when they arrive. He read that it always boosted productivity and efficiency.

That day there was also a newcomer. He had recruited a janitor of some sort. Since today was Bruno's day off, the boss had to show around and explain his role to the new employee.

After that 12 pm rang, clients already started rushing in. Christopher had to leave his employees alone as they were too busy dealing with the rushing hours. So he took his phone and wallet, and stuffed it all in his pockets before leaving through the back door.

And right on the other side was a brand new chevrolet avalanche. Christopher's most recent car, a magnificent baby. He smiled as he got in, he took the little monster for a ride. He couldn't eat during the rushing hours, too many people. So he always took his car to ride until it was 2pm, the time at which his employees could relax and start eating and often he would join them for lunch. Always complimenting the cooking and how the waiters managed to keep the place pretty clean despite being so busy.

But this te as he rode out into the country side, outside of Berlin and into a forest, he noticed something. It wasn't rare that anomalous creatures would show themself to him more easily than anyone. Those creatures were always dangerous, so he always took kitsu with him.

He carefully drove until he was out of the forest, scanning any details in the trees and he noticed eyes looking directly at the care but no creature dared to approach.
As soon as he passed the forest he drove back to the restaurant.

The whole afternoon he was wary of his surroundings. Who knows if the creatures from the forest followed him.
Even if they probably did not, it still made him slower on his work.

The clock rang 4 P.m and he sighed as a familiar man entered his office.
"good evening boss! I'm here to take you to the cinema!" said Bruno with a big smile.

"am not really done with the paperwork rn"  Christopher replied.

"but boss it's a marvel movie! And we don't have much time before it start, it's even your favorite." Bruno whined.

"let me finish that equation first and then we'll go. Also I have a hunt tonight, could you watch the place while I'm gone?" Christopher asked.

Bruno nodded and let his boss finish before taking him to go see SPIDERMAN INTO THE SPUDERVERSE(yes).

During the whole movie Christopher was thrilled by the artistic style and the good mix of media. He thought the songs where amazing with the visuals.
Bruno on his side was content to be with his boss and didn't care much about the movie as he fell asleep from the beginning.

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