Best nurse

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Jasmine's point of view

"Okey I'll be there around 9 o'clock tomorrow." I tell my brother over the phone and he tells me okey then clicks me. "Bitch." I whisper too the air. I look at the clock and realise my lunchtime is done. I begin walking towards the door where a patient is laying waiting for surgery.

He's been taking treatments for about five months now and he's definitely my favourite child on the whole earth with his incredible fantasy and funny jokes.

"Hello!" I say trying my best not to sound as tired as i am. I take up my board going over some stuff that is important for him to know before the surgery.

"It's only ten minutes left which means it's almost time. Would you like something afterwards, i could go and buy it." The little boy smiles and tells me he would like cookies and i nod.

Before i could get out of the room he calls my name. I turn my face back to him. "Yes?" He looks down at his hands. "Will it hurt?" I smile.

"No, you won't feel anything. Maybe a little headache afterwards but nothing more than that." His eyes are a little watery and so i walk up to him again. "Hey, everything is going to be ok. I promise." He sniffs.

"Promise on your brother." I let out a small laugh then put out my little finger for him to hook. "I Y/n L/n promise you Anpu Davidsson on my brothers death that everything is going to be completely okey after this surgery." He giggles. "Oke good."

I make my way out too the waiting room seeing his mother sitting there with her hands on her face. "Oh hello Miss Davidsson, i just talked to Theo." Her head tilts up. "Thats great."

When she stands up her stick falls too the ground hitting my foot. I bend down pick it up and give it too her.

"Sorry dear, I'm just very stressed." She takes the stick from my hands holding it tightly with her right hand. "I understand that it can be stressful. But your son is in very good hands and i can assure you everything is going to be fine."

She smiles. "I'm so grateful for the things you've done for me and my son. Thank you." I take her hand in mine squeezing it. Just like she often does too mine. "Thank you for letting me take care of your beautiful son."

The conversation ends and i go to the store too buy him some cookies finding the ones he loves the most. I pay and walk back into the hospital too my office putting the on my desk. I sit there waiting going trough some paper work.

After just an hour i look at the clock and realise Anpu should be out of surgery so i stand up take the cookies and begin walking too his room. Every step closer too the door builds a nervous feeling inside of me. I open the door and there he lays. His eyes finds mine and the sight of cookies makes him smile.

"Cookies!!!" He yells. I put them on the bed. "Just don't tell Mrs Adams." I whisper. We both talk and i ask him some questions about his experience.

"When i grow up i want to become a nurse just like you and help people." I stare at him for a moment. "You're gonna be the best nurse in history Anpu." My eyes feel glossy. "We are gonna be the best nurses in history." He says smiling like sunshine. We sit there for a while not talking, his hand in mine.

I look up at him and his eyes are now shut. I walk out shutting off the lights before closing the door. I get back too my office packing my bag then driving home. It's late so i decide too go too sleep because I'm probably not getting much sleep the day after when I'll be visiting my brother.

I fall asleep.

I make this just for fun and I'm not gonna look it trough for grammatical errors

For you too be mine Sapnap x OCWhere stories live. Discover now