Chapter 7

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I was walking alone as usual to go home. I saw something on the ground which was a wallet. I went there and bend down to get it. I looked inside to see an ID or something in order to identify whose this wallet belongs to...  but it doesn't have anything in it, it was completely empty...

'How am I supposed to give this back to the owner if  it doesn't have anything on it?'

I heard a bird above me and I curiously looked up. Shockingly, I saw a brick falling towards me. Luckily I quickly dodged it.

"That was close" I muttered as I sighed in relief

I quickly look up then I saw a silhouette of a man, running away from the rooftop where the brick fell. I walked towards the brick, it was broken because of the impact, falling from a 20 floor building...

The brick was broken yet I noticed that there was something written on it...

It was the word 'die' again. With the same color and handwriting

'I'm not safe anywhere... This is really getting out of hand...'



it was our PE today and my classmates were still running and I'm sitting on the side since I'm done running the marathon.. I am sitting on a small grass field as I watch my friends running then someone gave me a bottle of water. 

It was a guy from next door

"Someone want you to have this" He said as he gave me the water

"Thanks" I responded while smiling at him

He quickly walked away and I stopped smiling as I watch walked away in suspicious. I look at drink and I noticed that the cap was already unsealed... I opened the bottle then poured the water on the grass..

And to my 'surprise' the grass died immediately.

'This time its poison... They really hate me'


It was my turn in the cleaning duty today. I opened the locker where the cleaning supplies are, then suddenly a snake jump towards me. Thanks to my fast reflex, I grabbed its head. The snake wrapped around my arm and start squeezing it.

The snake is an agressive coppersnake which is a venomous snake but luckily it's has the weakest venom. But still, it will hurt badly if someone got bitten by it...

"Luckily it didn't bite me" I muttered as I pat the snake's body to calm it down

'A venomous snake this time...Let's observe for now, I want to see what else inside your sleeves..'


It's Science time. Today we're making a simple experiment by partners and my partner is my seatmate which is Boboiboy. And the experiment we'll make is the famous 'elephant toothpaste'. Me and Boboiboy carefully put the ingredients in like what the instructor told us to.. Now we're on the final step.. Boboiboy carefully put the last ingredient to make it to erupts.

He put the last ingredient but nothing happens.

"Umm sir? Our experiment didn't work" Boboiboy said

"Let me see" The teacher said and he was about to go to our table

I looked at our elephant toothpaste and it's acting very weird. It's was making bubbles and smoke violently.. My eyes widened in realization..

My Beauty Is The Beast (Boboiboy x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now