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Ive been on sort of a teruyama kick recently so here you go, enjoy.

Also we stan non-toxic tsukishima okay
Also can we pretend that the school food in japan is as bad a amarican school food because idk what japans food is like but yeah

Tsukishima and yamaguchi make fun of each other and relentlessly insult each other but it doesnt bother either if them bc they know they are joking and they have been friends since i think it was like 5th or 6th grade idk😭

Eating disorder
(Its Friday btw)
Third person POV

It was lunch and yamaguchi was sitting alone since tsukishima was on a vacation with his family ever since his brother came home on saturday. He tried hanging out with hinata but he was always arguing with kageyama so he always winded up getting ignored.

Tadashi felt his ass vibrate, taking out his phone to see what the notification was, and he saw it was a message from tsukishima

Tsukishima and yamaguchi private messages:

Hey yams hows your day going?

Meh, could be better, im just bored

Tsukki🧂: why dont you talk to your bOyFrIeNd then?

Stop being jealous tsukki your still my number one bestie❤️ and teru has detention so i cant talk to him smart ass.

Well i didnt know that
I have to go, we are going somewhere to eat but i will message you whenever i get back

Okay tsukki, have fun!

I will have even more fun bc you arent here 🙄

Yeah yeah whatever
Bye bye


Yamaguchi put his phone back in his pocket and stared at his full tray of diseased school food and stood up walking over to the trash cans to throw it away. He walked back to the table he was sitting at before and took out his phone again ansld started playing any game he felt like playing.

Yamaguch was minding his own business until one of the 'popular jocks' sat down next to him with the entire sprots team behind him and he was  looking like he wanted to say something but tadashi payed them no attention. Its just the same as usual.

"So freak, how is it like getting dick in the ass"

"I dont know you tell me" tadashi oaused his game and looked the other man strait in the eyes.

"Y'know you should really lock doors when your a closested gay making out with your 'best friend'" tadashi pulled up a very good edited picture of that said guy making out with his best friend.

Yeah it wasnt real but no one had to know that except tsukishima, who thanks to his blackmailing skills was able to provide the pictures to yamaguchi to edit.

"..wha-  that- thats- not real!! Thats fake!"

"Pictures dont lie, jay"

His friend spoke up " yeah i would never kiss a dude, no offence but im into girls."

He stood up and slammed his hand on the table and pointed and yamaguchi " if you go spreading lies with that, your gonna be in so much trouble"

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