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        Alyssa doesn’t know how long she was unconscious but when she awoke earlier, she felt the soft mattress she was laying on, her fingers brushing a soft blanket and her body not cold anymore, instead all she felt was warmth. Sure, her body was still aching but not the nerve-wracking pain but instead, it was a bearable kind of pain. Where were she? That was her question when she flickered her eyes open and after the blurriness left her sight, she saw a high beige ceiling, then travelling her eyes around the room she was occupying, she saw that she was on a richly furnished chamber, the fire on the hearth brightening and warming the room. It was nighttime, she supposed, as she can see the clear dark sky from the window of the balcony.

Sighing, she smelt herbs in the room and sure, it was used on her as she saw that her bruised arms were covered with salves. Feeling parched, she looked for a water and there on the side table, a water jar and a glass were placed. It was not an easy feat sitting up and reaching for the jar and glass as she felt pain just by moving, but she managed. Drinking, she felt the cool water refreshing her. After placing back the glass on to the side table, she reminisced what happened when she was on the ground almost dying. She guessed she was on her savior’s home. She was thankful that the carriage was passing there, and the carriage occupant helped her.

A soft knocking came from the door and Alyssa directed her gaze on it waiting for it to open and reveal the one who knocked. Watching, she saw a middle-aged woman enter, her features soft and she was wearing some grey uniform. Seeing that Alyssa was awake, the woman gave her a smile and neared her.

‘You’re awake at last. How are you faring?’

‘I feel a slight ache but all in all, I’m good.’

The woman hummed in response and gave her a once over, satisfied, she introduced herself. ‘I’m Nory by the way and you are?’


‘You’ve been unconscious for a whole day, so I know that you’re famished by now. I would bring your food later but for now, would you like to relieve yourself?’ As if her bladder is just waiting for some notice, she felt herself needing to pee, nodding, she agreed to Nory’s query. ‘Yes, please.’

Nory helped Alyssa on rising and when her feet was touching the cool floor, Nory nudged a slipper towards her. Wearing now the slippers, they walked towards the adjoining bathroom and from then on afterwards, Alyssa did her business while Nory waited for her outside.

Leaving the bathroom, Nory helped Alyssa towards the couch in front of the hearth. Making sure that Alyssa was comfortable first, Nory left her after to fetch her food. Alyssa watched as the fire danced in front of her, calmness washing her as the crackling sound was the only sound accompanying her in the silent room. This was the first time out of her twenty-three years of living that she felt this peace.


Two days have passed, and Alyssa were starting to feel a lot better. She hasn’t met yet her savior, but she knew that his name is Ozan and that he was the master of the house. She was currently at the garden, and she was sitting at the bench facing the fountain. It was her second day here at the garden and this has been her sanctuary, she thinks, as she almost spent her day here except for the room she’s occupying. Other than Nory, she met sweet Janice who was a year younger to her and old Landon who was the gardener. Nory and Janice were both housemaids, but Nory has a higher status.

Alyssa learned that after her savior, Ozan, brought her to his home, he instructed Nory to see and tend to her as he has somewhere to go and in fact, when that night that they encountered her slipping-to-unconsciousness self, he was on his way to his business. Ozan won’t be home for a week at most based on what Nory told her.

Alyssa stood up from the bench and started to stroll around the huge garden. It was magnificent and colorful flowerbeds were spanning here and there. A fountain was placed on the center and sturdy looking trees were surrounding the back of the garden. A cabin was also situated on the far end of the garden away from the main house and this is her first time that she was nearing it.

Climbing up the footsteps, she tested the door of the cabin and she found it easy to open. Looking back to her shoulder, she saw the garden still as what it is, and no one were around. Alyssa knew not if this cabin is forbidden or not but still, she entered. Leaving the door ajar, she perused the inside of the cabin. It was a one room cabin with shelves with various drinks lining the back and a couch placed on the center facing the unlit hearth. A circular table was on the side of the couch and two throw pillows were placed on the couch.
Going further inside the cabin, Alyssa went to the shelve with various colorful bottles and examined it one by one. What the drinks were, that she knew not.

She was walking and examining the varying bottles when she heard a creak sound on where her foot has stepped. Abandoning the shelf, she looked down and saw a large rectangular cut on the wooden floor. Moving back away from the rectangular cut, she kneeled on the side of it and examined if there was some hatch. Seeing that there is indeed a hatch, Alyssa tried opening it. It was heavy but she managed to pull it up. A dark passage met her, and she can see stairs leading down. Is this a secret passage? She thought.

Alyssa got excited and contemplated whether she should go down or not. Seeing that it was dark down, she needed a candle, but Alyssa doesn’t see any candles in the cabin. Sighing, she closed back the secret door-she decided that it is what she will call it and got up. It was also nearing nighttime and so, Alyssa decided that she will continue her discovery tomorrow.

*Next chap, Alyssa will finally meet again Ozan. 😉

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