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          'You need to have sex.'

Alyssa was dumbstruck awhile ago and those words kept repeating on her mind. She was alone now on her room as she have requested for the both of them to leave her and ponder out the information that was told to her. Enlightened about why she was feeling horny all throughout this time, she berated herself for drinking that red liquid. 'Stupid, stupid girl.'

She's wearing an undergarment now with a chemise but it was all she can wear for now as she find herself heating up from time to time. With the throbbing in her core erupting, she'll stand up and douse her face with cold water on the bathroom's sink. She left the balcony door wide open as well and she was hoping that the air and the cold water will help her in alleviating the aching need that her body needed. Judging by the coloring of the sky, a rain might come and thinking about it, she wish there will be really a rain as she wanted to dance and soak up under it, just like how she used to back then when she was still living carefree under her family's comfort. Back when life was not this complicated.

A soft knock caught her attention and she looked at the direction of the door. 'May I come in?' Nory asked. Alyssa sighed and contemplated whether to let the woman enter or not. After some pondering and making up her mind, she replied. 'Yes, you may come in.' She waited while Nory entered and approached her.

'How are you feeling?'

Alyssa recalled her first night here and how Nory asked the same question, but this time, she was not feeling the same pain she felt that night from her bruises, marks, and fracture but instead, a different sort of pain-need even, and that was more energy tolling for her, she think. Averting her gaze from Nory, she spoke. 'I'm fine as far as I can be with this, aching feeling that I'm feeling.' She was embarrassed while stating it but Alyssa knew that she have to be honest with the woman if she wanted to get the help that she needs.

'Here.' Nory was handing out to her a small vial with blue liquid inside. Alyssa reached it but making sure that their fingers won't be in contact. 'That's the antidote for the aphrodisiac, you should drink it if the urge goes too strong for you to handle so that it will be lessened.' The vial now completely on her hold, she examined it. 'Thank you for this, Nory.' She expressed her gratitude.

'Happy to help you, although as I have told you earlier, the antidote won't help much in your case. We don't know as well how long it will have effect on you until it can't counter the aphrodisiac anymore.' After some pause as if giving her time to process what she said, Nory continued, 'Anyways, would you like your breakfast to be brought here?'

'Uhm, I don't feel like eating for now, but still thank you for asking.'

'Okay, but you should know that your lunch will be brought later.' Alyssa wanted to argue as she knew that she doesn't have the appetite to eat something but then thought better, sighing, she nodded. 'Okay.'

'I'll leave you again and will be back for lunch.' Nory then left and she was alone again. Alyssa sighed and stood up. Starting to pace around her room, she decided to explore her current living quarters as she doesn't have anything to do at the moment other than suffering from her body's relentless urges. Starting on the vanity table placed on the opposite of the hearth, she opened the top drawers and saw some brushes, clips, and ribbons. Admiring them for some time, she closed back the drawers and went further and opened the bottom drawers. There, she saw a gorgeous silver eye mask. Picking it up, she admired how the mask were crafted and how the intricate white colored design swirled around the eye hole of the mask. Fingering the silky silver lace, she brought the mask onto her face and wore it. After some finger work, the laces were tied and the mask were securely placed on her face. It was admiringly lightweight.

Wanting to see how it looked on her, she walked towards the full length mirror placed on one corner of the room. Standing before the mirror, she saw her chemise clad figure with her dark hair framing her face. Focusing on her face, the silver mask hugged her face well and the white designs along the eye hole really made her brown eyes pop out. As if finding the view of her figure with the mask and the thin chemise arousing, her body started tingling and her core throbbing. Growing bolder by the minute, she watched on the mirror how her hands went up to her collarbone and started tracing the exposed skin towards the thin strap of the chemise. With feathered touch, she traced the strap until she reached the top of her breast covered with the cotton material of the chemise. Spreading her hand, she cupped her average sized breast. As if she was electrocuted, electricity sparked inside her flowing until to her core and it made her close her thighs. With her right hand still cupping her breast, she started massaging it while her nipples were hardening.

Still watching the scene on her mirror, her left hand started crawling towards her middle. Tracing her curves, she cupped her hot core and she felt how the cotton of her chemise became damp with the juices that she was producing. With the chemise still covering her, she started rubbing her middle finger against her covered slit and the sensation she felt made her moan. Looking up towards her face, she gasped when suddenly, her mind as if playing tricks on her, she saw herself being embraced by Ozan and he was looking at her with golden eyes instead of his grey orbs.

Blinking, the scene returned to her current look and she saw how she was all alone, her mouth parted in shock. Detaching her hands from her body, she whirled around and grasped her head. Shaking her head, she examined the room and was sure that no Ozan were here and realized that what she saw on the mirror awhile ago was just imagination.

But little did she know that it was from her forgotten memory.

Her Beast: A Werewolf Story | 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora